

New Member
I'm a paraplegic, in a wheelchair. Obviously, no lower body training. I'm pretty happy with my upper body development right now, except my chest. I would like to concentrate, specialize on my my pecs, and bring em up as much as possible. An added incentive here, is my wife has given me a challenge that if I get my chest buff, she will seriously consider fufilling the ultimate male fantasy of two lady's at once
I'm sure you guys can understand my urgency to get my chest up to par

Like I said, the rest of my upper body is already pretty good and maintains easily. I'm thinkin 1 set at my 5RM of Chins and Overhead Press, once a week will maintain my lats, delts, bi's, tri's.

I know you guys are gonna want to suggest a more well rounded routine and rightly so, I agree with a balanced program being best, but, in the spirit of the season, and to help a guy snag the grand prize
not to mention a great chest, can yas please give me some suggestions of how best to highly specialize on a bodypart(pecs). If you were going for the greatest amount of hypertrophy in your pecs possible, what would yas do? Not simply exercise suggestions, but issues like volume, frequency etc...
if I were you I'd lift in 6 week intervals.  2wks in 15 rep ranges, then 10, then 5.  performing flat pressing, overhead pressing, overhead pulling, and horizontal rows.  adding weight to every workout, then resetting w/ a rest and starting over.

whatever you do, I couldn't help posting just to wish you luck!

edit: your username is cool too
Thanks. I was wondering if a specialized program like a 10x3 or 8x8 etc.. would be worth a go, since the majority of my energy and recovery will go to chest. Would an aggressive program produce better results. How would training change if 1 bodypart was the focus?
I would stick with higher volume done HST style for the emphasis areas and just do a once a week maintenance for the rest. Perhaps 5 sets of 5, or something like that for your specialization area.
I agree with Tot,

I think once a week 1 set per muscle group would be plenty of maintenace.

So maybe your specialization one look something like this.

Monday Specialization Heavy maybe 5 sets of 5 reps

Wednesday upper body maintenace

Friday Specialization Heavy or Medium with slightly higher volume 3 sets of 12 reps.

Or basic HST load progression with the above schedule.

Lyle specialization program work well from what I hear.
Thanks guys. Ill have to look at Lyles specialiation. Im also thinking about a heavy Max-Stim cycle or maybe a 10x3 twice a week on chest. Looking for something that will really plump out the pecs.