Spine Injury, PLZ Help

quad: your'e already into squats and deads wow! Your'e probably ahead of schedule. Yeah, you need to get bk into vigorus activity, but I think I needed to walk around normally for a while to build confidence w/ the tms theory first. Perhaps heavy squatting may psychologically be still intimidating to your mind and therefore giving your subconcious an iota to cling onto to give you pain and distract you still. Keep reading, keep thinking psychological. Mornings are where my longest pain barrier existed. Until I focused in the day and prepared myself mentally that there was no reason I should have oxygen deprivation in the morning compared to any other time of day. Soon, I forgot what it was like to wake w/ a stiff back.

btw: Sarno says his high level of success 95% w/ patients is because he only deals w/ patients willing to accept a psychological reason for the pain. Most people will not.

Vagrant: dr, Sarno does not concede that all pain is in the head. He adresses that, and insists that a patient gets regular medical checkups first to eliminate serious injuries such as spinal tumors/fractures etc..
I was doing really well, between some of Dr. Sarno's input, and ab exersizes. But I got stoopid the other day and did squats without my belt, thinking that I would be working my core more. It totally slammed my lumbar again, but after two days rest, I'm fairly ready to try again, but with the belt back on, tight. Funny, the deadlifts are what bothers me the least, but I'm doing them sumo style, so the back is in a good position. A little pain I don't mind; it's been my background noise for over 30 years, but the debilitating stuff stops me.
I'm thinking that from my results, Dr. Sarno is partially, or mostly right for some, but the point is, if you have an injury and focus on it a lot, it gets worse. I think that's why guys in battle can take really big hits and not feel much pain. Their focus is on the task at hand. I've spent 32 years thinking about my bad back. I'm now thinking of my healed back, seeing myself doing anything I want to. That's why I had to get back to what I stopped doing (deads) and I've been doing lever squats all along. I'm going for 560 today for 3. (equivalent of 448 freeweight for me)
And I intend to do it.
I dood it. 560x4. No pain. All I can attribute it to is my attitude. I know that when I hurt my back it always gets better, so not worrying about it and focusing on success seems to work for me. And I'm learning that the back is a lot tougher than I've given it credit for, because of pain. So anyway, Sarno is right; a lot or all of this for some is just mental. Weird.
I'm thinking of building a rack if I can figure out where to put it and start doing freeweight squats too. I want to know what my real numbers will be.

"Victory becomes, to some degree, a state of mind. Knowing ourselves superior to the anxieties, troubles, and worries which obsess us, we are superior to them." - Basil King