Squat question


New Member
Can you do heavy squats without a barbell? I still havent got a rack and am starting lifting again tomorrow. If you held some heavy dumbells and wore a backpack filled with weights.... would this just be the same??
My answer is NO! And the reason why is because I tried this. I have been training for over 3months and had great growth for my upper body, but my lower body lagged behind. The reason....all I had was dumbells. I just bought a squat rack and olympic barbell set....now I can do real squats and deadlifts, etc. Let the leg growth begin!!!

Seriously go buy a squat rack. I bought mine used at a sports store that buys, sells and trades weight-lifting equipment for only $220 including 300 lb.s of weights! And it had a lat-pulldown set-up and chin-up bar! By buying it used I paid less than half price what it would be new.
yeah im going to get a rack but i wont be able to do so for about a month. im currently just doing dumbbell squats. is there anyway to barb squats without a rack? I suppose you could deadlift and get it to your shoulders for a front squat.... any ways for olympic squats??
If you are going to be getting a rack in only a month go with the dumbells for now and add weight to your back pack to get as much progression as possible in the time you have.

If you can get a bb and a decent amount of weight as soon as poss and start deadlifting. That'll really help get you ready for bb squats and allow you to lift some heavier loads in the meantime.
The guys are right, start deadlifting. You can front squat by cleaning the BB. If I were you I'd wait to do olympic squats until you have a rack; otherwise you'd have to jerk the weight over your head and then lower the weight to your shoulders to start squatting. Whatever you're jerking is going to be far too light for back squats.
I already have a barbell and plenty of weight. But with no rack I can only squat small weights. I do a AM/PM split with Squats in the morning and Deadlifts at night. I guess I could just keep on resting dumbells on my shoulders for now....

Is there anyway you can do one legged squats. I no the obvious answer is to stand on one leg. But your balance is lost. I suppose this would allow me to work my legs harder. Any suggestions???
Have you got a bench? One thing I used to do when I trained at home was adjust my bench to the highest bar rest setting and use that as a sort of squat rack. I would have to sit on the head part of the bench to set the weight down or pick it up but it worked well.
With HST you should never be using weight that could trouble you but you've always got to play it on the safe side.
Good luck,
Oh my god! Fausto your a genious. Forgot all about thoses gems. Guess ill have to get my trusty old straps out for those badboys.

Cheers fausto u just saved me £100 and an argument with the wifey about if weve got enough space for a rack. Damn... if I dont get rack she wins!

Heres my workout then. Going to do this just for first cycle to build a base and get used to lifting again. All ive got is freeweights for the moment.

AM/PM, 3x a week, cardio 2x a week, 15's 1 set, 10's 2 sets, 5's 3 sets:

Hack Squats
Bench Press
Barbell Rows

Military Press
Calf Raises

Any suggestions to improve?
Since you appear to have put together a good mass cycle, I would make the Bench Press an Incline BP and substiutute Chinups for calves, if you have the equipment. Also I would do shrugs at the end of each dead rep.

You could also cut down the number of sets to a max of 2 and up the frequency to 5 times per week but you would have to eat like a horse. However, you may find the response more satisying.
I tried out the hack squat today. Its pretty friggin akward. It doesnt seem like you can get full ROM without standing on a block or something. I was having an issue with the bar hitting my lower calfs at the bottom and hitting the backs of my thighs on the way up. The bar sticks a bit to my thighs but I think that can be fixed by using tighter legged shorts or pants. I had to thrust my hips forward to avoid it otherwise and I am not sure that would be a good thing if I were to go heavy on it.
I must agree it is a darn awkward movement! But in the absence of a rack I don't see many other options.

One thing to watch out for besides the time to "build in" getting the "groove", I hurt my rhomboids doing it, so make sure you startthe movement light, learn the groove and then start putting on weight!

Ain't no genius, its more a case of "been there, done that, got the T-shirt".

Jonny - One more thing, space wise, you get these stand alone squat stand things (have a fairly large flat base for equilibrium sake) that are height adjustable, which would solve your space problem.

I remember using those when I was 15 or so when I did athletics (squats were mandatory diuring the strength phase), the ones I used where home made jobies.
OK. My 2¢! I remember trying these when my pop first got some weights but no rack. I hated the standard version on the Weider charts he had for the reasons you pointed out. So I figured out a way to make them possible. It's a bit mad though!  

What I did was to wear a padded jacket and then strap a skateboard to my back (padded jacket optional, now that skateboards are much larger than they were 20 years ago!) . Then I practiced doing hack squats against a wall with no weight. It worked quite well so I tried with a barbell. That worked too until I used big plates and then they rubbed against the wallpaper. That was fine with me but not my folks!  

Apart from that it worked pretty well. Better than nothing too.

Might be worth a try?
Deadlifts, Deadlifts, Deadlifts!


"You're gonna shoot your eye out, Ralphie!"

Lol, that is cool and inventive! Can you believe it the lengths one goes to in order to get something done!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Deadlifts, Deadlifts, Deadlifts!</div>

O &amp; G is set on the damn things
I guess if the &quot;hackies&quot; don't work deadlifts takes good care of the thighs for sure!
(Old and Grey @ Aug. 22 2006,09:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Deadlifts, Deadlifts, Deadlifts!


&quot;You're gonna shoot your eye out, Ralphie!&quot;

I agree. I would just do deads instead of squats until you can get a squat rack, then start alternating them.
(Totentanz @ Aug. 22 2006,15:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Old and Grey @ Aug. 22 2006,09:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Deadlifts, Deadlifts, Deadlifts!


&quot;You're gonna shoot your eye out, Ralphie!&quot;

I agree.  I would just do deads instead of squats until you can get a squat rack, then start alternating them.</div>
Tot, That's what we all think (and suggested first) but if the guy wants some variety, a bit of inventiveness might make hacks possible.

But yes, for the best use of your time, Jonny, it's deads all the way until you are all racked out!
I always hurt my low back with hack squats. We are all built differently though.

Do you have some plate loaded dumbells? If so, load them suckers up heavy with your squat weight, hold them at your sides like you would hold a trap bar and do dumbell squats. Similar to a trap bar deadlift only squatting. Feet close like olympic lifters to get deep with lighter weights - apart like powerlifters to get heavier weights.

Or you can just clean and jerk the weight up, OHP it and lower it to your shoulders then squat. That'll make a man of ya if it doesn't kill you first.