
Active Member
HI again!
ok, i'm thinking of alternating between squats and deadlifts in this cycle, but i haven't got my 'RMs' for deadlift, only for squats. should i therefore just use the SAME weights that i would for my squats?

eg, Monday Workout A: Squat- 50kg
Wednesday Workout B: Deadlift- 55kg
Friday Workout A: Squats- 60kg
Monday Workout B: Deadlift- 65kg etc... etc...

any ideas? or maybe i should JUST do deadlifts???

thanks a bunch!
If you're new to, or haven't done deads in a while, I'd suggest bringing them up separately. Your maxes won't be the same anyway.
You'll want to come up from a moderately light weight, practicing form, focusing on form, thinking about form, having your form checked, dreaming about form and studying about form.
But not so light a weight that it's easy. The weights will come up faster than you think they will anyway. Legs take big jumps by their nature.
I agree with Quad. If you haven't been doing deads just start working them into your program starting with a light weight concentrating on your form (If you haven't read "Starting Strength" yet I highly recommend it). doing them both each workout shouldn't be a problem until they get pretty heavy.
Agree with the guys. I managed deads and squats three times weekly for my first few cycles. Then it started to get too much as the loads had gone up so much. I switched to squatting twice a week and deadlifting once a week which is pretty much what I still do.
ah cheers guys! nah i know how to do deads, i did them for aaaages before HST, so form shouldn't be a problem. i just want a bit of variation for legs (no not for some confusion principle hehe, just cos i've been doin squats for ages haha, so it's for psychological benefit ;)).

but generally, how do YOUR strength levels differ between the two lifts? if anyone could give examples of their own squat and deadlift weight for certain RMs, that would be much appreciated!
cos i really wanna do squats and deads (separate workouts though, A B A B sorta thing...)
i'm gonna do squats today, but i might do deads on wednesday, so any input before then would be fantastic! ;)

thanks heaps!

OH! and also, where is this Starting Strength? i searched the forums, but nothing came up! thanks, or maybe it's a book... lol
Starting Strength is a book by Rippetoe and Kilgore. It's a very worthwhile purchase.

I asked the same question as you a while back about relative loads for deads and squats. It might show up in a search. Currently my 1RM for deads is 195kg (430lbs) and for squats it's 162kg (358lbs) so that's about a 1.2:1 relationship.
I calculated mine and the difference is about the same as what Lol posted. My 5RM deadlift is 1.23 x my 5RM ATG squat weight.
Just because I'm weird, my squat max is higher than my deads.  Last cycle, I maxed at 265 on squats, and 245 on DL's.  As to your original question, I would certainly think that it would be worthwhile to find your actual 1RM for deads, or at least get a 3RM and use a rep max calculator which would still be fairly accurate.  My loads haven't gotten so heavy that I can only do DL's once a week, but because I do an A-B-A  B-A-B format routine, I am either doing them once a week or twice... depending on the rotation of the week.
Generally, deads should be much higher than squats. I dead in the 400s and only just barely squat over 300, so similar to what Lol and Bulldog said, but mine is probably closer to 1.5 to 1 relationship. So... definitely don't want to just use your squat numbers for deads.
I squat 335 and deadlift 405. that's a 1:1.2 relationship too!
(Lol @ Jul. 30 2007,06:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Currently my 1RM for deads is 195kg (430lbs) and for squats it's 162kg (358lbs) so that's about a 1.2:1 relationship.</div>
My Deads/Squats ratio also runs about 1.2:1 (though at a significantly lower weight...!)
ah cool thanks heaps everyone! that helped alot.

ok, so say my 5RM for squats is now 62.5kg (137.5lbs) which it is, i'm thinkin like, HOW i should structure it considering i don't have a value (or known RM) for deadlifts.

cos ok, i'm starting the 15s with 43kg (94.6lbs) for squats, and i was going to do about 3-4kg increases, maybe i should do 5kg increases for deadlifts???
but then it'd be like going up and down the weights for legs (as in:

WORKOUT 1, squat 43kg, WORKOUT 2 deadlift 48kg, WORKOUT 3 squat 47kg, W/O 4 deadlift 53kg, W/O 5 squat 51kg......)

something like that??? cos that just seems that the legs (which are the main muscle group performing both actions) weight-wise would be increasing then decreasing in weights, you know? i know they are two different exercises in which they both have different load positions and transference, but they are similar,
anyways, what does everyone think regarding my increments? or should i just have a steady increase, treating them both equally???

thanks again! ;)

p.s. TunnelRat, i love your quote, it's really inspiring! it's given me a burst of energy, something i desperately need... lol

p.p.s what's a pendlay row? i've seen videos of it, is it just a um, fast row? lol. or an explosive sort? or wide-grip?
The weight of squats and deadlifts being different won't matter. But you should use larger increments for larger muscle groups and for exercises which have higher RMs as well.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">ok, so say my 5RM for squats is now 62.5kg (137.5lbs) which it is, i'm thinkin like, HOW i should structure it considering i don't have a value (or known RM) for deadlifts.</div>
I would highly recommend getting a 5RM for your DL's at the minimum.  Even a 3RM or a 1RM if possible... the closer to a 1RM you get, the more accurate those rep max calculators are.  If you really just don't want to, then use the average of everyone's stated DL/Squat ratio, or guestimate... although I think finding your own would be worth it.  Because if you don't, you might find that you structured your workout around too low of an RM and aren't doing as much for yourself as you could.  Or you might have used too much and will burn out halfway through your cycle on them.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">p.p.s what's a pendlay row? i've seen videos of it, is it just a um, fast row? lol. or an explosive sort? or wide-grip? </div>
I've always done them as explosive (as possible) bent over BB rows, but reset the weight on the ground.  Try not limit the movement of your back, although I bob up and down a slight bit.  And I try to keep the m-time as low as possible, like 1 second tops.
&quot;Starting Strength is a book by Rippetoe and Kilgore. It's a very worthwhile purchase.&quot;

I think it should be required reading for anyone new to weightlifting... hell anyone that cant bench or squat 300+ and deadlift 400+ could probably still get something out of it.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I would highly recommend getting a 5RM for your DL's at the minimum.</div>

hehe but yeah i'm already into my 1st week of this cycle, bit late for that ;) but yeah i'll just have to guess
and far out... doin my deadlifts for 15 reps, whoa, that's all i can say. lol

is 'Starting Strength' an online book, or is it at any retail bookseller?
