squats - Olympic or 90 degree?

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">However squatting below parallel will noticeably shift the implied load away from the quadriceps and induce greater activity within the hamstrings and gluteus.This may reduce quadricep development. However squatting below 90 degrees will shift the emphasis from hamstrings to gluteals.</div>

This kinda equates with a bigger ass doesn't it?

Just joking but that does not mean I will not do ATG squats. However I am concerned even thoug it says may reduce, hell...I don't want to reduce anything I'm here because of hypertrophy, so what's better?

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> Accordingly squatting to 85º will likely induce the optimal ratio between quadricep and hamstring / gluteul development in one exercise and result in greater overall leg development compared to leg press or hack squats. Therefore squatting, preferably to 85º should be an essential part of any bodybuilders leg workouts.</div>

So, Liege both me and Louis Simmons were not absolutely wrong about box squats, they have their place, even though at competition it is ATG that counts.

This again proves that one cannot discard one exercise over another!
ust joking but that does not mean I will not do ATG squats. However I am concerned even thoug it says may reduce, hell...I don't want to reduce anything I'm here because of hypertrophy, so what's better?

i think they meant reduce activity of quads,and use hammies and glutes more .so for overall legs its better
but if you want to concentrate on quads do parrallel squats,
but you will have to do another exercise for hammies and glutes
(Fausto @ Jul. 21 2006,10:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">seems like the 85 degree option is fair to both, right?</div>
yes..but if you do ass to grass squats and deadlifts you do the lot
Even when I was between 5-7% bodyfat for a brief period my ass was big.  No doubt about it, ATG squats do work the glutes pretty hard.  Interesting study about parallel squats working the quads more though.  Seems like my quads grew more and at a faster rate when I started doing ATG, but perhaps that just occurred because I was getting to be stronger everywhere.  

I actually hated to read that study because I believe that parallel squats are pretty hard on the knees, but, just because I don't like the truth doesn't mean I can ignore it.
ive always been slightly stronger at parallel squats but find them very difficult,stopping halfway i just dont like it,so ive gone back to atg's at the minute.ok so i cant shift as much weight but i think they work the whole leg as apposed to mainly the quads.

Surely! The legs get darn sore after ATG squats as opposed to box squats, however for poundage's sake the box squats are much easier on the knees as you &quot;plonk&quot; your ass onto a bench, and if you do it seating as far back as you can then your knees won't get sore.

I'll just have to do both, i.o.w. do atg untill a ceratin poundage and when it gets too much switch to box to get the poundages I want!

Is this the wrong approach?
(Fausto @ Jul. 23 2006,12:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Lcars

Surely! The legs get darn sore after ATG squats as opposed to box squats, however for poundage's sake the box squats are much easier on the knees as you &quot;plonk&quot; your ass onto a bench, and if you do it seating as far back as you can then your knees won't get sore.

I'll just have to do both, i.o.w. do atg untill a ceratin poundage and when it gets too much switch to box to get the poundages I want!

Is this the wrong approach?</div>
no thats ok fausto.good idea really, do it in 5s or post 5s
Thanks Faz.

Obviously this would hit the area of the 5's and beyond, I have never really had much of a chance to do negatives as my partner is rarely there to help, my kid is still somewhat inexperienced at it!

But I have hit PR's with him helping out!

I must admit my bench leaves a lot to be desired right now, an indication that my shoulder injury is still not recovered properly!
(Fausto @ Jul. 23 2006,07:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Lcars

Surely! The legs get darn sore after ATG squats as opposed to box squats, however for poundage's sake the box squats are much easier on the knees as you &quot;plonk&quot; your ass onto a bench, and if you do it seating as far back as you can then your knees won't get sore.

I'll just have to do both, i.o.w. do atg untill a ceratin poundage and when it gets too much switch to box to get the poundages I want!

Is this the wrong approach?</div>
i have to be honest ive never tried box squats,so i couldnt comment but the switching sounds like a good idea.
It has been working for me so far...the switching that is!

But I haven't yet managed to get much past the 80 Kg mark for ATG squats it's like I am scared to be unable to get out of the hole!

But I see the technique that guy uses in the vid, quick and efficient, must try it!
its always tempting to bounce when going atg,i try to keep them strict,when i use the heel support(usually a plank of wood
)it tends to hit my calves and quads more,feels great