Stallone Six Day Split


New Member
Hi, I would like to know if I could use the HST training and incorporate it in a six day split routine I found on Sylvester Stallones' websight. He said that he worked with FRanco Columbu before filming Rambo II. It was a six day split like this: Mon - Wed - Fri : chest, back arms, shoulders and abs. Tue - Thur - Sat: calves, thighs,rear delts, traps and abs. Can anyone help me with what exercises to do to follow this routine. I am 46 and I have been working out steady (5 days) for a little over 1 year. I would like to try to lose about another 16 - 18 lbs. I already lost over 40 lbs and want to take my training to the next level. I've read about Stallones training and would like to give it a go, but I would like to use HST if possible. So, if you guys can help with anything as far as what exercises to do to get in "Stallone Shape" I would really appreciate it. Thanks. Vinny L Branegat NJ.
No, not at all. I've just been taking Noxplode before I get to the gym. I am up at 4am every morning and at the gym by 5:15 before I go to work. I need a little up for my day.
Go to simplify and win, pick a suitable routine, eat on maintenance as you are trying to loose.

Include some Tabata or HIIT cardio on off days.

That mix should get you in pretty good shape, getting to Sly's tone without pharmaceuticals is not impossible but takes time and dedication if you natural.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">vinnyl, are you doing the same pharmaceuticals that Sylvester Stallone does? </div>
Vinny L, I think where java was going with that was there is a good chance that Stallone had some extra &quot;help&quot; when training back then, probably along the lines of AAS.  Is it possible he trained w/o them and still managed to get in that kind of shape?  Sure.  But I've never seen anyone get great results working out 6 consecutive days, including myself.  In fact, if anything, I got smaller and weaker... due to my inability to recover with one day of rest a week.  

However, all it takes to implement HST with any workout split, is making sure you generally follow the simple principles of it which include progressing the load, maintaining an adequate frequency (which 6x a week surely has plenty of), and SD if you so desire.  Not attempting to progress loads near your maximal levels, such as advocated by Max-OT will help you in doing this as well.  Do this with Stallone's split and you are still doing HST.  

Hope that helps answer your question and good luck with what you decide to do.
(vinnyl @ Jul. 27 2007,16:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So, simplify and win is the websight? What about the HST training?  Do they have diets too?</div>
no simplify and win is a thread on this site do a search,and yes you can do a bodypart split on HST.
(leegee38 @ Jul. 27 2007,12:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Of course you can train 6-days per week using HST.  Our founder, Bryan Haycock, does just that himself.  He recommends alternating upper body and lower body.  Check this thread out:</div>
+1 to leegee. A 6-day split is a great way to build muscle. I wish I had the energy for that. Lately I am just exercising twice/week.
Is that all for chest, just incline bb and dips? What about flys or pull-overs? I mean I can def use HST in a six day split. I will just incorporate the main exercises and fill in the spaces on Stallones' workout foe six days. What do I do to get rid of the un- love handles?
Vinny first a couple of things.

Unless you are a newbie...and you said you have been lifting for a I will take you are not a noobie then you most likely want to concentrate on bulking or loosing weight.

Its hard to mix the to together unless you are genetically gifted or on steroids or you are a complete beginner.

That being said if you are wanting to loose 40 more pounds then what we needs is a calorie deficit. Its just that simple...not matter what routine you do there has to be a calorie deficit.

So if it was me the best way to burn calories two ways.

1) Good ol boring cardio...(but it works)
2) full body workouts
3) full body workout compound circuits.

So What I would do if I were you this the following.

Do the simply and win routine 3 days a week and mix in some cardio on the other days!

Personally with the weight training all you are trying to do is hold onto as much muscle as possible while cutting.

So something that I have had a lot of success with is this.

Take a standard HST routine of say 30 reps....or 3 sets of 10.

Normally I would do 3 sets of bench...followed by 3 sets of rows...etc.

But for fat loss...I do the following.

One set of bench with about 85% of my max. I then move on to Back and do the same then on to Shoulders.

So far we have done one for each bodypart for the upper body.

Then here is what I do from there.

I set of 10 reps with my 12 rep soon as you finish the set go straight into standing barbell rows...immediatly finishing that set you go straight to standing dumbell presses and then thats 1 circuit.

I perform another circuit after 1 to 2 mins rest and then I am done with upperbody.

I then perform 2 to 4 mins of 20 rep legg presses tabata style.

If you do this 3 days a week IMO...the first set or so maintains muscle mass (its heavy) and the other sets burn the hell of of calories and revs up your metabolism without having to do cardio.

Then the off days you hit some cardio maybe 1 day is slow cardio for 1 hour the other day is HIIT cardio.

This should definatly work in the fat loss dept.!
I will use the info that you guys give me. I do consider myself a noobie still. There is sp much that I don't know about training. I read mags, websites and articles and always find new stuff. I will print and keep this info. Thanks again for all your help so far.
(scientific muscle @ Jul. 27 2007,13:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> A 6-day split is a great way to build muscle.  I wish I had the energy for that.  Lately I am just exercising twice/week.</div>
Hey, Sci ... You'll notice I didn't say that &quot;I&quot; could train 6 days per week ... I'm too old for that crap!
(vinnyl @ Jul. 27 2007,14:32)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I do consider myself a noobie still. There is sp much that I don't know about training. I read mags, websites and articles and always find new stuff. I will print and keep this info.</div>
Stay away from mags or you will always be a noob!

They have agendas and don't care about validity of training, usefullness of supps, or ghost writing to get an endorsement -
but them thar pitchers is shore pretty to look at! All inspirational an' everrthang!
(vinnyl @ Jul. 27 2007,15:32)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I will use the info that you guys give me. I do consider myself a noobie still. There is sp much that I don't know about training. I read mags, websites and articles and always find new stuff. I will print and keep this info. Thanks again for all your help so far.</div>
Reading mags in particular is a good way to get confused. One needs to be very critical of the info you can find, that applies to websites also of course. One have to distinguish the crap from the good stuff.
Personally I think many people here on the HST website give very good advice.
Of course training six times a week can work if everything else is in place. If not anything else, it allows you to get more volume in, and this is the reason why advanced lifters like Bryan prefer it. But, as always, you have to balance this with your current level and all the other aspects of your life, like food, sleep, work etc. Is it possible for you to train six times a week and eat enough to gain weight, given your work schedules and pressure? Can you sleep enough in order to be ready mentally and physically prepared for your next workout?

A lot of people, for example, find it hard to eat enough to gain weight with this kind of frequency. Other people are so busy with their schedules that they struggle to make it even 2x a week. 6x would kill them in this case.

In other words, everyone has to find a way to train which fits their schedule and lifestyle. In my opinion, consistency and food are the most important factors in this game, anyway.

(9to5lifter @ Jul. 27 2007,19:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Of course training six times a week can work if everything else is in place. If not anything else, it allows you to get more volume in, and this is the reason why advanced lifters like Bryan prefer it. But, as always, you have to balance this with your current level and all the other aspects of your life, like food, sleep, work etc. Is it possible for you to train six times a week and eat enough to gain weight, given your work schedules and pressure? Can you sleep enough in order to be ready mentally and physically prepared for your next workout?

A lot of people, for example, find it hard to eat enough to gain weight with this kind of frequency. Other people are so busy with their schedules that they struggle to make it even 2x a week. 6x would kill them in this case.

In other words, everyone has to find a way to train which fits their schedule and lifestyle. In my opinion, consistency and food are the most important factors in this game, anyway.

Well said.

Again this solidifys what I have always said about more volume and frequency.

I think in a perfect world more sets and frequency = more growth....(in a perfect world were everything is constant)

However the reason the majority of us don't make gains off more volume and frequency is b/c it hard enough to get in adequate calories a day with protein living a normal life of 3 times a week training.
If your current goal is to lose fat, then there isn't any point in doing some fancy mass-building routine. Just focus on maintaining or increasing strength in the basic lifts while you lose weight. Once you get to the point where you are satisfied with your bodyfat levels and decide to start packing on mass again, then it would be worth looking into a good mass building routine. But... for cutting, like I said, the best routine would be a basic routine that focuses on maintaining or increasing strength in the basic compounds.