Start of week 3


New Member
I completed my first two weeks of 15s, and now moving on to 10s I'm starting with weights that are lower than my last workout of 15s. My first workout was pretty easy, is there anything you are suppose to do to increase the intensity in the 1st week of 10s? I just tried to keep my TBS fairly brief. I know dropsets are incorporated in the 5s, but does anyone throw them in during the 10s? Thanks.

Zigzagging is not unusual.

Do 2 sets for 10's that way your volume takes care of the light workout.

Alternatively slow your reps down a bit use a 4/2/4 cadence or something like it, longer if you'd like that way the same weight feels a whole lot heavier, do this only during 10's though, it is counter productive at heavier loads.

Wait for the 5's to throw in metabolic work or drop sets, 10's are kind of an intermediate growth phase.
Hi Doc,

I had the same thing happen a few weeks back and felt similarly when I did my first few sessions of 10s. Everyone here said not to worry about the zigzagging and I will now echo their comments. Just enjoy them and, as Fausto says, slow the cadence down a bit if you like. They soon get harder again.

By the time I reached the end of the 10s I could have easily carried on for a few more reps for all my exercises. I'm hoping the same will be true for the 5s.

All the best and let us know how it works out for you.
I had actually been doing 2 sets for 15s, so my volume is down with the tens. Basically just wanted to make sure I hadn't over-looked something and was doing it wrong. Anyway, I'll just really focus on slow, clean reps as you guys have mentioned and be ready for the tougher test next week. Thanks.
also doc if your zigzaging because your doing this
do this.
90,90,95,95,100,100.on each cycle less zigzaging and starting at a higher weight. :D
is the '90,90,95,95,100,100' commonly used by people? Obviously it would breed more intensity since the weights are heavier overall, but you lose the incremental progression increases in favor of smaller increases.

Does anyone else prefer to set up their plans this way? Are their any drawbacks?
The only drawback is that you don't have large increments. Personally, I don't care about zigzagging, you're going to have that when you progressively load for 6 days. IMO, the large increments are better, so I would do something like this:

I agree with Colby. Starting the weight higher is not necessarily good. I like to start around 60-70% of my RM and then use large increments to reach my RM.