Starting 5s


New Member
I've finished my second week of 10s...program has gone fairly well although I was feeling some effects of over-training in my last workout. Here is what I've been doing up to this point:

Bench, BB Row, SLDL, Military, Leg Press, Pulldowns, Dips, Shrugs, BB Curls, Skulls, Calf raises. (2 sets a piece)

Here is what I'm currently thinking for the 5s:

Bench, Weighted Pull-ups, Leg Press, Military, Dips, Deads, Shrugs (3 sets a piece)

I'd include the following wrinkles: rep out with BW on last set of pull-ups and dips. Perform a burnout set of BB Curls w/ my 15 RM after deads, and a burnout of Skulls after last set of Shrugs.

Do these exercises look alright? Any you guys would sub in or out? Should I throw some drop sets onto leg press or military? Should I only perform only one of bench/dips?

Any suggestions are more than welcome. Thanks.
Some of us alternate the big compounds, that may be why you feel overtrained, too many exercises. Alternate the bench with dips and the rows with chins, don't do them in the same workout.
Liege is right, alternate the big'unes they can make you rather tired. :D

I was feeling like that after 10's too.

Your choice for 5's is cool, just get some space for the big ones on/off according to workouts.

Keep going. ;)
Your exercise selection seems solid. I found the use of traditional compound exercises work best anyway.

I agree with alternating exercises, when I did 5s I use an A and B workout alternating:
Squats and Leg Press
Incline Dumbells and Dips
Weighted pull-ups and Barbell rows
Military Press and dumbbell laterals
Standing and Seated calf raises

(I did 3x5 for each in weeks 5 & 6 and then added triple drop sets every other workout in weeks 7 & 8). I would save the drop sets until weeks 7 & 8.

However I still wanted to do some arm work. So I alternated training biceps and triceps e.g. on monday biceps, wednesday triceps, friday biceps and so on...

I found this worked very well and have added some good size without the problem of overtraining because of the indirect work through the heavy compounds.
OK, so pretty much a consensus to rotate the bench/dips rather than do both in a workout. I'll also rotate in heavy row, although I've been really eager to get back to pullups. I'd love to be able to do squats instead of leg press but an ankle injury limits my squats.

Would you guys rotate deadlifts and Military?

I'm leaning more toward doing the back/chest dropsets only on fridays with the extra day of recovery time over the weekend. I'm also confident my arms will get sufficient work only doing a few sets a week, since the heavier compounds will induce growth.

Thanks for the input.