Starting HST


New Member
I have been researching HST and it seems like something worth trying..

Im just not sure about the 15's 10's 5's..

In the first 2 week after figuring your weights..

Do you do a set of 15's on monday, 10's on wed, and 5's on friday?

Or do you do 15's the first 2 weeks(mon-wed-fri), 10's next 2 weeks and 5's the final 2 weeks??

You do 15's the first 2 weeks(mon-wed-fri), 10's next 2 weeks and 5's the next 2 weeks. Then you either do negs or continue doing heavy 5s for another 2 weeks, then SD for 1-2 weeks and start all over, with heavier weights to match your new RMs.
SBG: the point of HST is to gradually increment the loading on the muscles over the entire cycle until you reach a point where you can't progress anymore (or your body/joints need a break). Then it's time for SD so you can start over with lighter loads again. So, as Peak has explained it's 15s when the loads are lighter, then as the loads go up it's onto 10s and finally 5s and beyond for your highest loads. There's a certain amount of fatigue management built into the standard HST cycle so you can keep the frequency high without burning out.

All the best with your first cycle.
I am also new to HST and will be giving it a shot soon.

Peak-Power, you say to start the next cycle with your *new* Rm's... Am i misunderstanding that we set our last workout for each rep scheme as our heaviest, being our current Rm for that scheme?

So by the end of the cycle my last workout was spent doing the Rm's that I had previously determined before the cycle began, how are these new Rm's?

This is my only concern before beginning a HST cycle: when do I get to set some PR's?? I know the primary concern for this program is not strength, but we still want to get stronger...