Starting Measurements/BF% and hopefully a picture

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that is some pretty precise measurements your getting there. dont stress over small movements (up or down) too much its the big pic thats important. how much you gain over a whole cycle is a true indication of how your doing but daily even weekly fluctuations can be very misleading.

most recommend 1lb a week gain. well the week is 7 days so what should the scale show each day to prove your on track.....obviously it doesnt work that way as each days intake and activity level etc is diff.

i like your thinking on adding the 200. dont worry you are not wasting time "not gaining" your just closing in on what YOUR bw number (ex. bw x 18 or 19 etc) is to grow.

good luck
Damn it.. I am at the library and I forgot my measurments again. Ah well, hopefully I will get them up before I take this coming weeks measurements.

I think you are right about the weekly reading possibly being a bad indicator. I think more like every two weeks would be a much better way to show your progress without fluctuation. I am still going to take them every week though. To be conitnued.....
I don't have the exact numbers on me again. I did manage to gain a solid pound and keep my bf% the same. So good progress even with MMA and it looks like the extra cals are helping.
Unfortunately, I hurt my Elbow in my Martial Arts class last week.As a result I had to miss my workouts for this week except for my first one. I decided to go and see how I felt and it only worsened my condition. So it looks like my results will be postponed for a week or so. I am going to try to resume with the second week of tens possibly tomorrow. If I still don't feel up to par I don't know how I should continue. Do I just start where I left off, which would be the second week of my tens. Or do I start the entire program over again? This sucks bc I have been really enjoying this program so far. I feel my gains have been huge up to this point. It doesn't show on paper but in the mirror it seems to me. Anyway, thoughts/opinions??

Nas MAn
start back on your first week of tens..are you doing mma for fun or for competing,if its for comps etc i wouldnt worry to much about how you look (bodyfat etc) just get in the gym train eat good whole healthy food and your bodyfat should take care of itself,remember you want to have enough energy when you step in the ring to finish a fight,having a six pack wont help
As for showing your actual weight, two suggestions.
One is as recommended above, just weight every two weeks. But that is misleading, because of fluctuations. I go up and down four pounds regularly.
At any given day, add the last, say, seven days weights and divide by 7 to get your week's average. That is more accurate than anything, since it's your average that is the center of your range. That would be more your actual weight than whatever you weight right now. It accounts for crap, water, and glycogen loading.

Of course, measuring first thing in the morning is the best time.
I do MMA for fun right now. I might compete in the future but that is just somethingn I am considering. Right, now I am using HST strictly so I can gain more muscle. I was thinking startinig over at the beginning of tens would be my best bet. I am going to stay out of the gym today and start tomorrow. I will keep everyone posted.

Man have I been lazy and not lived up to my word. I have kept with HST as planned but what I did not do was update my results and stats here on a regular basis. Anyway I gained about 5-6lbs of muscle my first cycle and I am currently on week 2 of my second HST cycle. Things are going well and I intend to hit my 200lb short term goal by the end of this cycle.

Current stats:
12% bf (I have been lazy taking it but I am pretty sure this is what I am close to)

My new years resolution is to try and update this a bit more regularly.

Happy New Years to everyone!!

Nas Man