Steak marinades..


Well-Known Member
Hi...I'm doing a group bbq this weekend, and my contribution is the steaks...

I already have one marinade I like, but was wondering if ppl had any tried&true they could share?

Here's my favourite for anyone interested:

2 tablespoons soya suace
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 tsp crushed garlice
1 tsp olive oil


Marinade steak for abt 3-4hrs per side
Okey here goes but dont shoot the messanger
Half a cup (1 dl) White wine
2 spoons Conjac
1 teaspoon salt
6 whole Black peppers
1/2 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon Basil
1 spoon Chopped parsley
1/2 spoon of chopped lovage
1 small chopped onion
1. Blend the ingredients
2. Let the steak marinade for 6-12 hours sometime flipping the meat over
3. Dont throw the marinade off. Just run in through a grid to remove the clumps and add some flours to make it a sauce if you wish to.
Sorry about the terms but this is the first time i`ve tried to translate kitchen terms into english