

New Member
Just want to hear from someone that is doing this program and has done juice at the same time. Tell me how things went and if you have any suggestions.
This has been discussed a ton of times in the past. Others have done cycles on various steroids and posted their results. Try using search, but if the threads are too far back, then you may not be able to find them. Spyke, for instance, has recently had a thread about this, I recall he was having great results.

My only experience is using Winstrol while on a cut. I lost a lot of fat and got totally shredded, while losing little or no strength on my main lifts. It was amazing. I can only imagine what sort of results I would get bulking on a cycle of 500 mgs of test a week...
I'd so love to try it for a few cycles. Young lad at my gym (about 19) has put on 7 stone over the last 2 years! He's massive now (around 17 stone), has a nice collection of stretch mark, and is competing for the first time this autumn. What's interesting is that he's only been training large muscle groups once a week up until now.

Whilst he's cutting he's hoping to add another 2 inches to his arms by training them twice a week.
I have seen his calves explode since he started training them three times a week from the end of December 06. He's added at least 2 inches down there.

Maybe the effect of three times a week training, HST style, wouldn't have been much greater for him (I can hardly believe that it would be)? It is certainly incredible how fast you can grow with a little help and plenty of food.
Tot I dont know if you were asking on behalf of a friend but didn't you discuss cycling with some "help" other than Winstrol?
I might have? I don't remember. I've talked about using AAS on the bodyrecomp site before, it might have been there. I've never actually used anything other than Winstrol, though I have considered it. Oh, I have talked about using DNP too, but never actually did that either.

But.... someday probably.
Currently running a cutting cycle. Dropped about 14 pounds of fat, strength has gone up. AAS cycles and hst work well together. If your aas cycle is longer than the typical hst cycle just loop back to 10's and continue. My current cycle is very long so I actually went all the way back to 15's without the sd week. Still feeling strong without any signs of burnout.
Let's carry this a bit more. I'd like to get some test when I get out of debt and get ahead a bit, and I was wondering what sort of HST cycle I'd do. From all I've read of the recovery aspects of AA's, it would seem likely that I could do:
A.) more exersizes than normal
B.) longer workouts without catabolising
C.) of course, more poundage and
D.) every other day, which I do anyway.

Just all that alone is enough to make me want it; my low hormones are something I'm sick of fighting - tired of being tired. Add to that some actual growth I can see and feel and I'm one happy guy. Of course there's the hassle of PST and all that, but there won't even be that if I go the legal route. Of course the legal route is very limited; therefore, limited results. But I'd just love to feel better (younger).
I split my routine into an upper and lower body workout. Instead of doing it am pm, I do it every other day. So, monday, wednesday and Friday are lower body and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are upper body. Sundays are off days. If I didn't work so much I would probably do it as a am pm split.

Lower body currently is: Squats, Hack squats, deadlift, leg extensions, hamstring curls, standing calf raise and seated calf raise.

Upper body currently is: Flat bench, incline bench, low rows, lat pulldown, shoulder press, shrugs, flat barbell curls, dumbell curls, skull crushers.

Total time during 5's is about 75 minutes.

SPend about 2 years researching aas. Find out what is tough on the body and what is relatively easy. Find out what you need after the cycle is done in order to maintain your gains.
Oh, I agree with you there; I've been doing some research here and there, but not avidly since I can't afford it yet. The reason I mentioned test is because I qualified as andropausal with an aging institute and can get it legally. Also, from what I'm seeing, test cyp or E along with Deca seem to be the best bang for the buck without too many problems, IMO. If I went BM, I'd probably end up doing a little more than the clinic would allow, but I really wouldn't go overboard much; it's not my need. I need to stop feeling like a flat tire. And anything over the 20-year old level would require PCT for sides and to keep gains, I'm sure. And the test would take care of a host of aging problems, which other steroids would not.

I wouldn't be able to do as many workouts as you are; my work would just get in the way, so in one workout, 16 exersizes is out, but I did start my HST with 13 naturally. Actually, I don't know what I'd feel like on test; I've been down so long. I guess I'm just used to having to fight my way through workouts and of course since the 5x5's, I've fallen in love with less exersizes.
I actually wouldn't increase the poundage more than what I would normally if I were doing it. I would try to drag the HST cycle out as long as I could though. But you probably want to make sure that the poundages you are throwing around at the end of your HST cycle are poundages you can maintain throughout your PCT.

Of course, if you, Quad, just went on HRT instead, then you wouldn't need to do any PCT, just drop your dosage down to replacement levels. That would be great for you, because you won't have to worry much about losing your gains. Not like regular guys who come off and have pretty much no test until they recover.