STILL confused

Listen to Lol's advice.

Also, I generally would recommend that once you hit your 5 RM during your current cycle, you keep progressing the load over the next few workouts until you find your new 5 RM, then use that new 5 RM to plan out your next cycle.
hehe cheers fausto!

yeah i just completed my post-5s last week and i did push my 5RMs up quite a bit! (averaged 5kg increase), but i've got another question, ok so i'm gonna plan to do what Lol says, and use my new 5RM and start the 5s with 70-75% of that load, as well as for my other RM mesos (although i might have to do higher like 80% or so because some of my RMs are fairly close to each other).
ANYWAY, because my 5RM went up about 5kg for most exercises, should i increase my 10RM and 15RM by 5kg, or is that too much??? i've gone by charts such as this to figure out a rough estimate of my 10RM from my 5RM:

should i go by this? like my 5RM for incline bench went from 56kg to 62.5kg. according to the chart, i would use about 53.4kg for my 10RM in my 2nd cycle (in my 1st cycle it was 47.5kg), which makes it a 6kg increase. is that too much an increase for my 10RM???

note: i didn't recalculate all of my RMs after my 1st cycle, i just recorded my new 5RMs.
but i guess it doesn't really MATTER if i can't actually make the 10 reps, but what i'm thinking is if it's too big an increase or whether i should steadily increase it over cycles as my strength steadily increases too. not to mention how much i should increase my 15RM too...

or maybe i'm just sweatin the small stuff ;) haha

thanks everyone, u guys are champs
OH! AAALSO, i'm thinking of changing my incline bench to a flat bench press for my next cycle, will that also affect my RMs considering my delts are getting a bit more of the load on incline as compared to flat, i think from my knowledge that flat is generally a stronger lift than incline.....

Strength increases in the 5s will probably translate to increases in your 15 and 10 RMs as well (but not always). Because of this, it's a good idea to note how hard/easy your 15 & 10 RM workouts were at the time so that you can adjust them accordingly for the following cycle.

If your 5RM has increased by 5kg then you might as well try increasing your 15 & 10 RMs by the same amount. If it's too hard when you get there, just try the same weight again next cycle.

If you find that your RM workouts are really tough, a bit of zig-zag can help provide a some extra CNS recovery time over the next few workouts. By the time you get to your next RM workout you should be able to push really hard again without feeling burnt out.

For your change to flat bench from incline, I would start with your newly revised loads for incline and work with them. If they start to feel easy by the end of the 15s you can adjust the rest of the cycle accordingly. Better to start off too light than guess a load which is too heavy. Just continue the 5s at the end of the cycle to find out your true 5RM for your next cycle. If you keep a note of the 15RM and 10RM w/o you will have a good idea of how to adjust these for the following cycle too.
ah dude ur a champ, thanks! you're so pro at this haha

yeah, i'm thinking i might just increase my 15RM and 10RM about 2.5kg, just to be on the safe side, plus if i'm increasing the range still (my end weight) it should definitely get good results along with increasing my 10RM and 15RM (as the faq states, increase them 5-10 pounds).
i just wish there was more written on the subject of further cycles and load increases and so on.

thanks again

Usually the increase in strength translates right through but not always, I'd just dedicate maybe one day or so before the end of the full cycle to check some new RM's (15/10 and 5's), this is usually PR territory!
too late, i'm already more than halfway through my SD hehe

but yeah, i think it'd be safer to add bout 2.5kg to most RMs for the 2nd cycle RATHER than the full 5kg. but at the end of NEXT cycle i might actually retest my RMs.

thanks dude!!! ;)