Strategic Decondiioning and new RMs


New Member
My first HST cycle consisted of 2 weeks of 15s, 2 weeks of 10s, 2 weeks of 5s and finishing with 2 weeks of 5 RM. Do I just test for my new RMs and Strategic decondition or vice-versa? I would figure find new RMs and then SD right? I feel like my RMs have definately gone up and I can't wait to come back fresh after a SD.

This is my routine, if your curious:

Squat x2 sets
Bench Press x2 sets
SLDLs x 2 sets
Bent Rows x 2 sets
Military Press x 2 sets
Barbell Curl x 1 set
Skull Crushers X 1 set

All done in 40 minutes or less and on M W F.
I'm a classic hardgainer(6'2/175 lbs.) and this seems to be the only thing that works for me. I have gotten more out of this in 8 weeks, than anything I have done in 2 years. I'm eating about 4200 cals and trying to keep it clean. I gained about 7 lbs and my pants seem to still fit the same. I have also quit doing all my cardio and only ride my bike for about 30 minutes twice a week for about 30 mins. cause I enjoy it. BTW, trying to hit 200 lbs by the end of the year and the cut any fat I put on. I have had a phobia about fat gain, but know I have just come to accept fat gain when trying to bulk and I'm cool with it. Currently I'm about 183 and 14% BF.

Congrats on a successful cycle. I think now that you have accepted the fact that you're gonna have to put a little fat on in order to put on size you'll find you were'nt as much of a hard gainer as you thought.

keep up the goodwork and goodluck,

Joe G
Do you're RM before SD for sure. If you did SD then you did your RM, you would have to SD again. I personally couldn't wait that long to get back into the gym. I hate taking time off, but I know it is necessary.