Strategic Reconditioning


New Member
What's the science behind SD? From what I've read, all of the other principles of HST are logical and backed by research, whereas the SD component seems to be more based on faith.

I'm not doubting whether it has value (since I haven't tried it yet), it just seems to be lacking the scientific basis seen throughout the system.

If this has been already been hashed out in another thread, can someone point me to it?
Ehh, that was supposed to be Deconditioning, obviously.
I read Bryan's article on SD, and it has a lot of citations, but I don't know which, if any, are specific studies of the effects of deconditioning.

I have read recently about a scientist working for NASA studying the effects of conditioning on astronauts following periods of weightlessness, and how their body's respond positively to almost any form of exercise. This could corrolate to deconditioning to an extent. Not my area of expertise, though!
Part I

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">19. Strategic Deconditioning, ...relation to the Repeated Bout Effect
Also read the Strategic Deconditioning
( article.
Once you have maxed out your voluntary strength levels, growth will stop. It may take several weeks for it to stall. Once this happens, HST incorporates Strategic Deconditioning in order to lower the level of conditioning of the muscle tissue. This is necessary in order to use &quot;submax&quot; weights.
Is the purpose of SD to cure overtraining? No. Research has shown a week is not long enough to reverse the symptoms of overtraining. If you have been properly managing your training volume, you wont be overtrained anyway. If you are, you should adjust your training levels. [Note] Overtraining is not necessary for hypertrophy. Methods such as &quot;over reaching&quot; are used to increase performance, not hypertrophy.
The efficacy of the stimulus is relative to the state of conditioning of the &quot;tissue&quot;, not voluntary strength levels. Of course, a muscle's cross sectional area is related to the amount of force it can generate. But a load able to induce &quot;microdamage&quot;, and thus hypertrophy, doesn't have to be at the top of the individual’s voluntary strength output. It only has to be heavy enough to induce microtrauma to the tissue. This is relative the state of conditioning, or the tissues level of resistance to further damage.
Granted, any form of exercise will alter patterns of protein synthesis and degradation. But a muscle cell can only grow significantly if some degree of tissue microtrauma occurs. This is brought about when the load is sufficient to strain the cell membrane and its integral structural and contractile protein structures. This signals cellular messengers of various kinds including calcineurin and MAPKs and their associated nuclear counterparts.
Now, if you are training without the aid of exogenous hormones, you will eventually come to the limit of your voluntary strength if you have used the principle of progressive overload. Obviously, at this limit you will be training at 100% effort. And essence, your progress has also reached its pinnacle. The muscle is absolutely tuff as shoe leather (so to speak) and you can no longer add more weight to get it to grow further. What do you do? Well, you can do what thousands of people do and simply beat your brains out using the same weight workout after workout for months or even years on end. As long as your level of conditioning (resistance to microtrauma) stays the same, and the level of weight you use stays the same, your muscles will stay the same. Big or small, they will stay the same.
SD is simply a method that allows (not “tricks”) your muscles to continue to grow, using weights that your muscles have seen before. The method is simple, the science is complicated, the results are significant.
P.S. If you are afraid of using baby weights, check your ego at the door, or use the heaviest weights you can lift from day one an be satisfied with your results, in other words, stop looking for anything better.
I have never claimed that a period of Strategic Deconditioning lasting 7-12 days would completely revert your muscles to an &quot;untrained&quot; state. I have spoken frequently of the rapid training effect or repeated bout effect. Some protection seems to last for a very long time. Still, 7-12 days of complete rest does appear to cause some reversal of the adaptations to training. And from the application, it appears it is sufficient to allow one to start growing again, once gains have stopped with a given weight. Hopefully through the forum and other articles and interviews people have come to learn that SD is more than just a break from training.
Someone who has trained for an extended period of time using 5s/negs at loads of 85%+ of 1RM would often require upwards of 2 weeks SD to ensure sufficient reversal. More advanced athletes have successfully extended the HST cycle with 5s and negatives with the addition of drop sets (refer to the drop set thread), but if this is your first time doing HST I suggest you do the regular 6-8 week cycle as outlined on this website.
The effectiveness of tension to elicit hypertrophy depends on the condition of the muscle at the time the tension is applied. So, after a period of regular heavy training, the muscle becomes resistant to further growth. I don’t think anyone needs an article in a medical journal to tell them that.
So the only solution to overcome the progressive resistance to tension is to progressively increase the tension. This works perfectly…for a while. The problem is that once you have “maxed out” your strength you can no longer apply a consistently effective stimulus (i.e. tension) for hypertrophy. Once this happens you plateau. You are dead in the water. 99 out of 100 lifters in any given gym will not make any significant muscle growth from one month to the next because of this phenomenon, despite their efforts to constantly get stronger. So all the end up doing is busting their butt each and every workout just to stay the same. This effect is so tangible that it eventually leads to a type of paranoia of getting smaller should they ever stop killing themselves in the gym. In a word, this is modern natural bodybuilding…ok, 3 words.
The solution is to lower the resistance to the stimulus. This is called Strategic Deconditioning in HST. When Strategic Deconditioning is properly applied to ones training, growth can resume, even when using weights previously used.
Is there research to demonstrate this scenario? Yes, but it isn’t exactly coffee table reading. The HST book however will not force you to rely on my word. It will contain a full treaty of the research behind HST.
Until the book is ready, you’ll have to just trust me and use other people’s results as evidence. If not, that’s ok too. Just as long as you are growing with whatever you’re doing you’re fine...for the time being anyway.</div>
and part guys should start reading!

From the FAQ E-book.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">19.2. The weights feel so heavy and I'm so sore on the first couple of workouts after SD!
You will often experience an increased sensation of weight and/or effort, but the actual strength generating potential of the muscle does not diminish significantly.
What happens is the CNS (Central Nervous System) is also deconditioned. Perceived exertion will increase as a result. Yes, this may even be noticeable during everyday activities.
The opposite of this effect is seen when people say, &quot;Since I started exercising I just have so much more energy!&quot; They don't really have more energy, it's just that their CNS has up regulated itself to better cope with the increased demands for exertion during exercise. This lowered CNS activation threshold level spills over to everyday activities and makes them feel better, more energetic.
If you feel really sore, this is actually GOOD news! what just happened to you is that you successfully lowered your minimum effective weight. That is perfect! This allows even less weight to be used and still grow.
Now you should take note of this and plan your next cycle accordingly. Don't lower your 15RM, just lower your starting weight next cycle (make sure your SD is just as effective/long as well). This allows greater increments during the 15s, and an overall greater progression of weight used over the entire cycle. Once again, perfect!
All the pain won't hurt your gains. But it can draw unwanted attention when you walk like you're 90 years old.
Though I wish I had more time to fully address your questions here, they will be more fully addressed in one of the HST books. In the mean time, we will try to use the most representative research of SD followed by retraining as we can find (with time constraints). The following study by Hortobágyi and colleagues (Hortobágyi, 2000) is one of the best I have found to date, with special reference to the adaptive changes to both deconditioning and retraining. Here is the full reference:
Hortobagyi T, Dempsey L, Fraser D, Zheng D, Hamilton G, Lambert J, Dohm L. Changes in muscle strength, muscle fiber size and myofibrillar gene expression after immobilization and retraining in humans. The Journal of Physiology 2000 April 1;524 Pt 1:293-304.
For those of you familiar with Medline the full text version is FREE.
But here are some important points brought to light by this and similar studies.
Deconditioning (including complete immobilization or even zero gravity)
1) In vivo studies suggest that a fall in the rate of protein synthesis rather than an increase in protein degradation is the predominant mechanism of atrophy at least during the first few weeks of immobilization in rats (Booth, F. W. &amp; Seider, M. J. (1979). Early changes in skeletal muscle protein synthesis after limb immobilization of rats. Journal of Applied Physiology 47, 974-977) as well as in humans (Gibson, J. N. A., Halliday, D., Morrison, W. L., Stoward, P. J., Hornsby, G. A., Watt, P. W., Murdoch, G. &amp; Rennie, M. J. (1987). Decrease in human quadriceps muscle protein turnover consequent upon leg immobilization. Clinical Science 72, 503-509)
2) In his pioneering work D. F. Goldspink (Goldspink, D. F. (1977). The influence of immobilization and stretch on protein turnover of rat skeletal muscle. The Journal of Physiology 264, 267-282) demonstrated that when the extensor digitorum longus of young rats was chronically stretched while immobilized, the muscle actually underwent hypertrophy. Although this chronic stretch may not be qualitatively equivalent to dynamic muscle lengthening, there is now cumulative evidence to suggest that strength gains (Dudley et al. 1991), muscle hypertrophy (Hather et al. 1991) and myosin heavy-chain (MyoHC) gene expression are specific to the type of mechanical loading (Booth &amp; Thomason, 1991), with greater adaptations occurring if the mechanical stimulus contains muscle lengthening or eccentric contractions compared with concentric contractions.
3) Even though strength loss correlated with muscle fiber atrophy (r = 0·75), the magnitude of strength loss (47 %) was almost 4-fold greater than the magnitude of fiber atrophy (11 %) [with 3 weeks of immobilization]
4) Greater type II than type I muscle fiber atrophy occurred after elbow immobilization in the triceps brachii (30 vs. 25 %, MacDougall et al. 1980), in the vastus lateralis after an 11 day space flight (36 vs. 16 %, Edgerton et al. 1995), lower leg suspension (12 vs. 6 %, Berg et al. 1993) and knee immobilization (19 vs. 15 %, Veldhuizen et al. 1993). In contrast, others reported that atrophy was greater in type I than type II fibres (46 vs. 37 %, Sargeant et al. 1977; 26 vs. 1 %, Häggmark et al. 1981). In the present work type I and type II fibres atrophied to about the same extent, 13 and 10 %.
1) In the current work, resumption of spontaneous activity (i.e. just being up and around) for 2 weeks after the cast was removed resulted in about 90 % recovery of muscle strength and 95 % recovery of muscle fiber size. [That’s a 10% increase in muscle size in only two weeks WITH NO TRAINING!]
2) 3 weeks of immobilization significantly and uniformly reduced type I, IIa and IIx muscle fiber areas by 13, 10 and 10 %, respectively…Hypertrophy of type I, IIa and IIx fibres relative to baseline was 10, 16 and 16 % after eccentric and 11, 9 and 10 % after mixed training (all P &lt; 0·05) and these gains were significantly (P &lt; 0·05) greater than the hypertrophy after concentric training (4, 5 and 5 %). In addition, the type IIa and IIx fibres were significantly larger after eccentric than after mixed training
3) We observed a significantly faster rate of strength recovery when the exercise program contained eccentric contractions. Muscle strength recovery after 4 weeks was complete when subjects exercised with concentric contractions, whereas recovery to initial levels occurred about 2 weeks faster when pure eccentric contractions were used or added to concentric contractions…Not only was the rate of strength recovery faster with pure eccentric or mixed eccentric and concentric contractions but the strength gains and muscle fiber hypertrophy were also substantially greater compared with pure concentric contractions, confirming most (Komi &amp; Buskirk, 1972; Dudley et al. 1991; Hather et al. 1991; Hortobágyi et al. 1996a, b) but not all (Jones &amp; Rutherford, 1987; Smith &amp; Rutherford, 1995) prior reports. [We are not so interested in strength, but this info is demonstrative of the importance of eccentric training.]
Now this doesn’t speak much towards RBE, but it does demonstrate how muscle tissue responds differently after SD than it does during training. It’s a sliding scale of sensitivity and hypertrophy. When muscle is at its highest sensitivity, it grows most rapidly, and likewise, it grows more resistant to further growth at the same rate. I have other studies on RBE that I may be able to post later.
1. McHugh MP. Recent advances in the understanding of the repeated bout effect: the protective effect against muscle damage from a single bout of eccentric exercise. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2003 Apr;13(2):88-97.
2: Thompson HS, Clarkson PM, Scordilis SP. The repeated bout effect and heat shock proteins: intramuscular HSP27 and HSP70 expression following two bouts of eccentric exercise in humans. Acta Physiol Scand. 2002 Jan;174(1):47-56.
3: Proske U, Morgan DL. Muscle damage from eccentric exercise: mechanism, mechanical signs, adaptation and clinical applications. J Physiol. 2001 Dec 1;537(Pt 2):333-45.
4: Stupka N, Tarnopolsky MA, Yardley NJ, Phillips SM. Cellular adaptation to repeated eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage. J Appl Physiol. 2001 Oct;91(4):1669-78.
5: McHugh MP, Connolly DA, Eston RG, Gleim GW. Exercise-induced muscle damage and potential mechanisms for the repeated bout effect. Sports Med. 1999 Mar;27(3):157-70.
6: Brown SJ, Child RB, Day SH, Donnelly AE. Exercise-induced skeletal muscle damage and adaptation following repeated bouts of eccentric muscle contractions. J Sports Sci. 1997 Apr;15(2):215-22.
7: Brown SJ, Child RB, Day SH, Donnelly AE. Indices of skeletal muscle damage and connective tissue breakdown following eccentric muscle contractions. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 1997;75(4):369-74.
8: Ebbeling CB, Clarkson PM. Exercise-induced muscle damage and adaptation. Sports Med. 1989 Apr;7(4):207-34.</div>
I was searching through the FAQ to find some appropriate material to quote regarding SD, but Fausto proved to be quicker...
Thanks for the replies. I read that stuff already, but thought it might have been elaborated on a bit more on this forum since the book thing didn't happen.

This kind of left things hanging:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Is there research to demonstrate this scenario? Yes, but it isn’t exactly coffee table reading. The HST book however will not force you to rely on my word. It will contain a full treaty of the research behind HST.
Until the book is ready, you’ll have to just trust me and use other people’s results as evidence. If not, that’s OK too. Just as long as you are growing with whatever you’re doing you’re fine...for the time being anyway.</div>

I'll give a try for myself.
That fact merely emphasizes what I think is the &quot;real deal&quot; regarding SD: there really is nothing to back it up.

Otherwise, Bryan or the nerds here like Dan, jvroig, fausto, etc., would have told you all the neurological-anatomical-biological nerd reasons to support it. The fact that none of them does simply means there really isn't any.

I've seen Dan post really lengthy stuff (here and in his max-stim site) about molecular pathways stuff or whatever (who gives a hoot). I've seen some posts of jvroig in the archives - very very lengthy nerdy stuff, like CNS/CFS fatigue and some other boring s_h_i_t. And Fausto... Fausto just likes to talk about anything at all.

So between those three, and Bryan himself - don't you think if there was REALLY some nerdy SCIENCE to back-up SD, those three would have gladly gave you a boring lecture about it?

So see the light already. There isn't any science behind SD.

-The Real Deal
Well wait a sec... If SD has no nerdy science to back it up, then that would put it on the same level as HIT. You seem to have no problem believing in HIT, so why not SD?

The qoute Fausto posted from the E-book contains plenty of &quot;nerdy&quot; science to show where the idea came from. I would ask you to read, comprehend, then post, but you seem to have an aversion to comprehending, denigrating it as &quot;nerdy.&quot;
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So see the light already. There isn't any science behind SD.</div>

I HEAR THAT!!! And there isn't any science behind that stupid &quot;gravity&quot; thing either. Newton, Einstein, and those other boring astronomy, physics, quantum mechanics nerds... They all have these long boring papers they wrote (which I'm not smart enough to understand anyway.)

We all know the Real Deal. It's invisible elves that hold stuff down. That's what I've always believed, so it must be true.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The qoute Fausto posted from the E-book contains plenty of &quot;nerdy&quot; science to show where the idea came from. I would ask you to read, comprehend, then post, but you seem to have an aversion to comprehending, denigrating it as &quot;nerdy.&quot;</div>
Read it again. Bryan himself said the scientific backing of SD will be discussed in his book, which never came out. And until now has not been discussed.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
I HEAR THAT!!! And there isn't any science behind that stupid &quot;gravity&quot; thing either. Newton, Einstein, and those other boring astronomy, physics, quantum mechanics nerds... They all have these long boring papers they wrote (which I'm not smart enough to understand anyway.)</div>

You should read my post again. I said that aside from Bryan, lots of guys here have no problem spouting science. But when it comes to the science behind SD, they are all silent, just like Bryan. That silence simply means there really is no scientific backing to SD. Do you understand it now? Or should I translate it to moron-talk since that's probably the only thing you can understand without confusion?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You should read my post again. I said that aside from Bryan, lots of guys here have no problem spouting science. But when it comes to the science behind SD, they are all silent, just like Bryan. That silence simply means there really is no scientific backing to SD. Do you understand it now? Or should I translate it to moron-talk since that's probably the only thing you can understand without confusion? </div>

Hehehe... you don't understand, so you assume nobody else does either! Funny stuff!!!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Or should I translate it to moron-talk since that's probably the only thing you can understand without confusion? </div>

I'd hate for you to have to increase your cognitive abilities to the level of moron just for me.
(Real_Deal @ Jul. 10 2006,13:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">That silence simply means there really is no scientific backing to SD.</div>
Nope, it means, at least where I'm concerned, that I've talked enough about it and do not wish too again.

Try doing a search, here or on any of my other numerous sites
Seriously though, it was never elaborated on as promised in the original articles and I was curious if there was more unearthed in the forum discussions.

If there's nothing more to it, or it's just a hunch that seemed to work, that's fine. No need to make a mockery of my thread.

BTW, gravity has been challenged over and over again. That's the way science works. Faith sees challenge as an attack, science thrives on it.
(Dan Moore @ Jul. 10 2006,13:56)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Real_Deal @ Jul. 10 2006,13:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">That silence simply means there really is no scientific backing to SD.</div>
Nope, it means, at least where I'm concerned, that I've talked enough about it and do not wish too again.

Try doing a search, here or on any of my other numerous sites
That's why I asked for some links &quot;if it was already hashed out&quot; in my original post.

The search function here is a little behind the times. I find is links back to the articles re-posted here and dead links/error pages.

When I click on the link to your max-stim site, all I get is a stand-alone Erectile Dysfunction ad, just so you know.
(monkeyarms @ Jul. 10 2006,13:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Seriously though, it was never elaborated on as promised in the original articles and I was curious if there was more unearthed in the forum discussions.

If there's nothing more to it, or it's just a hunch that seemed to work, that's fine. No need to make a mockery of my thread.

BTW, gravity has been challenged over and over again. That's the way science works. Faith sees challenge as an attack, science thrives on it.</div>
Not speaking for Bryan, but in my own research it's becoming more and more apparent that there is a &quot;conditioning&quot; aspect to growth. Not just the &quot;repeated bout effect&quot; (conditioning to muscle damage) but also the ability for translation/transduction and transcription to continue the same rate, or to use a blanket phrase of &quot;anabolic potential&quot;, which I stole from Bryan.

The ability to revert this or rather the time needed is the question. To say that SD does not work or that there is no relevant science behind it is untrue, it comes down to when it should be applied and for how long, that's all.
I just took a quick look at the data Fausto included in this thread. Surely looks to me that there is a lot of hard research and science you can bite your teeth into. Seems the main article referenced specifically relates to deconditioning and retraining.

(Dan Moore @ Jul. 10 2006,14:19)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(monkeyarms @ Jul. 10 2006,14:03)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">When I click on the link to your max-stim site, all I get is a stand-alone Erectile Dysfunction ad, just so you know.</div>
Worked fine for me

Look at the research site that's where you'll fine posts and references to my views, again not Bryan's.

You may want to look at my old forum as well.</div>
Thanks, I'll check those out.

I'm only getting the ad with Firefox, it works fine with IE.