Strength Gains with HST ?

Colby, if hypertrohy is your main goal perhaps you should not worry that much about how heavy you lift.....
Do you know ??... squats to parallel for me it did not work..... not that much of an stimulus..... for my thighs, hamstrings and gluteus it works when full, but really full squat and hold it to the count of 3 in the lower position before coming back up.... applying all the time the HST principles and increasing "work" (as opposed to only weight) for each workout...... believe it or not, my legs are always sored now, a nice DOMS all the time, the muscles are really hard, as if no fat at all and getting bigger..... and do you know what I use as my 10RM??....... a mere 132 lbs.....for my 5RM it will be like 165 lbs.... if you come to think it is nothing compared to what other guys do.... but if you do full squat and hold it for some time in the lower position the stimulus is big, thus my lower back gets benefited (I have had 2 injuries there in the last 4 months)
That's a half squat in the video, though it's much further than most guys do. I agree, the full, to the bottom squat is the way to go.

Also, do conventional, bent leg deadlifts, that should help get your numbers up.
Yep, conventional deadlifts are a great strength builder. Once incorporated, it should quickly become by far your heaviest lift, if it doesn't start out that way.