Summer Program


New Member
It's funny to see that the thread for my 4th cycle is still lingering around over a month after it started. I still have 3 and a half weeks left, but I wanted to jumpstart this thread ahead of time since the 5th cycle must be different than the previous due to change of schedule.

Hopefully, I'll have some 40 hour/week 9-5 job which cuts out the AM/PM program in my mind (I'm a horrible morning person.)

As of right now, I weigh 208 at 12% BF... by the end of the cycle hopefully it will be 205 at 11% or 210 at 11.5%..

I have two ideas...

Cycle A - Faustonian 6x/week
I would do compounds MWF and isolations on TRS...

Rows/Lat Pulldowns
Military Press
Bench Press

Lateral Raises
Incline DB Curls
Leg Extensions/Curls*

Exercises done both WO's
Pulley Crunches
Calf Raises*

*denotes using the 20/15/10 rep scheme

Cycle B - Hardcore Compound Every Day
Lateral Pulldown
Bench Press
Military Press
Calf Raises
Pulley Crunches

Which would be better for cutting? I also intend to preserve or grow muscle during the cut (-500 caloric balance)... With Cycle B.. I am really messing around with that 36 hour window more so than the "faustonian"...

I am cutting till the end of August.. after my 5th cycle, I am topping myself off with the 912 version of HST for a month.

Thanks for the input,
Personally, I would go for cycle B, simply because during a cut, I don't care to do isolations.
I agree with Tot completley.

I dont do iso at all during cutting phase unless its just for fun.

I would just stick with the big lifts.

Hey try some TABATA CARDIO with the squat rack...that kicks @ss!
You could also take a look at UD2.0. It's what I've been toying with and it works amazingly well. The depletion workouts really suck, but if you've got the will, you can make it through. You don't know hell until you've done over 40 15 rep sets two days in a row. Still, under a certain bodyfat percentage, it seems to work really well compared to traditional cutting.
hmmmm...... If I had not read all your comments and ask me I would have answered ..... during bulking up I would do compound like hell because I want mass and during cutting I would mix compound and isolation in order to burn calories and also shape up the muscles, now they can be seen better..... I think I've got it all mixed up
, I wonder why my whole life has to be like that ....he he eh
My opinion, na not because one of the cycles inhereted my name

Is that the extra work provided by the isolations would help with cutting, when bulking I'd use compounds only!

But then again I sometimes jus like to be contradictory

I always learn't that compounds go with bulking, big time, this is what the Arnolds, Columbus, Drapers used to do!
Good point also about the iso....with burning calories.

Not sure if you can shape a muscle though???

In theory it sounds good but not sure if it is ...or is not true?
Thanks for the answers - seems a bit split so far.

Tot, how does the UD2.0 diet work? I have never done some specific diet before. I was thinking about going really low carbs and super high protein for the summer... say at least 300g/day of protein.
Well I can't say too much without basically giving away the book, but essentially you do low carb mon-thurs with some high rep work to deplete all your muscle glycogen. Then on Friday you do a carb load. Mine end up being around 1500 grams of carbs within 24 hours. This takes advantage of a special partitioning effect that occurs when you are extremely depleted. I've lost pounds without any lean mass loss doing this. Some people have gained decent amounts of muscle while simultaneously losing fat.

Of course it is somewhat complex, so you almost have to have 'bodybuilder ocd' if you want to successfully run it.
As far as the compound/iso thing goes for cutting... I think it would be much more beneficial to do compounds only and workout more frequently than it would be just to add some isolation movements. You could argue that you could add the isos AND increase frequency, but that could be overdoing it. My only problem with this is that isos are FUN! I can't think of anything I love more than a nice set of biceps curls and some triceps extensions!
wwg...... he he he, I am laughing now, it sound like the gym is a playground...... my theory is..... if it is fun, the muscle ain't growing, he he he

Joe, actually I am repeating like a parrot what I have read in magazines and other sites, though after re-visiting my paradigms by using HST and reading stuff in other website, I am starting to think that everything I had learned before was pure a pile of BS, he he he... isolation exercises are supposed to be good for shaping up muscles, but somebody said that if you don't have the muscles first the only thing you shape up is the bones, he he eh
The gym is where I love to be.. so it actually is fun for me in a sick, twisted, painful kind of way lol. As far as muscle shape goes though, that's pretty much determined by genetics. You can shape your body a certain way though by making certain muscles bigger than others obviously. I'm yet to hear of anyone successfully shaping their muscles though.. or their bones for that matter lol.
Yeah, muscle shape is a genetic thing.

I can't deny some facts though, like increasing the peak of the bicep by doing strict concentration curls.

Shaping the tricep muscles with some different exercises, but it all boils down to specific hypertrophy, as you may for instance be doing a lot of pushdowns thus increasing outer portion of the tricep, or a lot of french curls emphasizing the inner muscle of it.

But as Latin puts it, you gotta have the size first, then you start shaping the darn things!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">if it is fun, the muscle ain't growing, he he he </div>

Latin don't forget we are a bunch of &quot;loonys&quot; and even extreme pain from effort is considered &quot;fun&quot; LOL
Like wrestlingguy said, I prefer to stick to compounds and simply do more of those while cutting... but that's because I usually have less energy while on a cut than I would with either a bulking or maintenance diet, so I try to stick to the most efficient movements. There are a lot of different compound exercises you could do. It's just for me not worth doing any kind of curls when I could do chins for instance instead.
It won't make a real big difference in the end though, I don't think.
(wwewrestlingguy @ Apr. 20 2006,01:23)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> I'm yet to hear of anyone successfully shaping their muscles though.. or their bones for that matter lol.</div>
actually normal healthy adult bones are in a constant state of microscopic flux in response to load. for instance, calcium and and other minerals which strengthen one is deposited and removed based on where the body needs it. so in this aspect it IS being reshaped.
How could I include Tabata (oh say Squats) in the routine... I figure I could do it on the iso days... but if I went heavy compound every day, should I do them at the end of my WO?
Good question Colby...I was wondering the same do you train the legs effectively with high frequency and do TABATA and not overtrain?

I would like to see some of the experts on this one?
In addition, I am thinking of doing carb-cycling... I read some articles over at, and I'm not sure how strict the weekly cycles can be, but what about going something liek this...

Monday: No Carb
Tuesday - Thursday: Low Carb
Friday: High Carb
Saturday: Medium Carb

Or should I just scrap the entire idea?

EDIT: I realized today that I don't like the whole isolation WO's anymore. I am a freak and I want super heavy compund WO's... should I add in shrugs every other day though?