Summer Program

I decided which cycle that I will do. It also looks like I will be having a 5 day/week job with lots of labor (for a moving company) which should help for the cutting process.

Hardcore Compound Every Day
Bench Press
Pulley Crunches
Calf Raises
Lateral Pulldown
Military Press
Leg Extensions*

Thanks for the comment Joe, but now that I think about it... those 10 exercises are not daunting at all to me, and why would I alternate a "smaller" exercise like shrugs anyways? Leg Extensions are an idea as they are an isolation exercise that I feel is useful.

I am testing this week, and I will start up in two weeks with a short SD this time around....

My remaining questions are:

(a) Well, any thoughts on carb-cycling? Is it worth it?

(b) With the more labor intense job, what type of frequency should I do? I may target 4-5x/week... My ultimate frisbee league will start up in June along with school, so that will limit my schedule around that time where I will most likely goto 3x/week.

Maybe I just answered the 2nd question.
I wouldn't bother carb cycling. You are going to be doing a truckload of work, so you should be able to lose easily enough. Cycling carbs will just sap your energy... so unless you find you are having real problems cutting the fat, you should be able to just cut back your calories a little like you normally do and still have some great results.
That wraps it up, thanks a lot guys.

I've been testing my RM's this week and the WO is a beast but definitely do-able.

Leigelord, If you are reading this - I recall you were inquiring about my deadlift strength. My strength is up when I run before I lift... it's evident that the warm-up run is needed. As for the deadlifts:

20RM - 150
15RM - 170

10RM will be tested tomorrow.

I plan on trying out Tabata squats at the end of my WO once a week as well. This combined with 3-5 WO's a week and the laboring job better be good for a cut!!