Sympathetic vs parasympathetic nervous system


does anybody know how the training program should be adjusted depending on sympathetic/parasympathetic dominance?
Would an athlete with sympathetic dominance
-reduce intensity
-increase frequency
-avoid failure?

Or is irrelevant?
If you are in a sympathetic state, your muscles may or may not still feel strong, but your head is not into it. Lift light (deload) or SD to get back into a parasympathetic state and then go at it heavy and with intensity. Discount those singular "off" days; push through them. When you are in a typical sympathetic state, you nervous system is overloaded and you need to switch into a recovery mode.

However, if you are constantly in a sympathetic state, see a doctor as you may have a chemical imbalance or a physical problem or you may have gone crackers.
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I've seen little evidence that this is a real thing. It's a buzzword just like how everyone has gluten issues and etc etc.
As a "bullet proof young person" I would have agreed with Tot's comment. Unfortunately, after 10 painful years of Hashimoto's (due to a bad flu virus) I can assure you that a constant sympathetic state is quite common for many. And as usual, O&G is correct; anyone dealing with these symptoms on a regular basis needs to see a doctor immediately. You can get serious health consequences extremely quickly. One common cause is early stages of cancer. We have several doctors in my family, who can all relate just how important early prevention is, as well as listening to your body for such signals.

My Negatives:
- software manager with millions of dollars of responsibility,
- a teenager that we home school,
- dad dying, mother in law ill, etc, etc.

My Positives:
- diet is about perfect,
- sleep 8 to 9 hours every night
- do tia chi
- training is always a very conservative HST cycle or "old man SS"
- Believe it or not, after all that football and this many years of training, zero chronic injuries, all joints ok.

Even then, I have to be very careful with my workouts and cycles, easy to overtrain, get that run over by a truck feeling.

My advice to Explosions in the Sky is to see a doctor to make sure your thyroid, adrenal, HPA axis are ok and you are not having allergic reactions. This is nothing to toy with or ignore.