ALL of that is good news to me, actually. I've been fighting moods, fatigue, easy fat gains, low hypertrophy, slow healing and a host of junk for years. Had the blood work done, had tried various homeopathic remedies, had two checkups, and got no answers. With BB'ing and my diet, I should be superman, but I'm more like Droopy Dog. I almost fit the list of symptoms for chronic fatigue syndrome, but not quite. I almost completely fit the list for Andropause. I don't care what the problem is, if they can find out for sure and FIX it! I"m so tired of dragging myself into my gym and forcing workouts, feeling WASTED after five or six hours of work in a day (but having to do 8 or 10) and barely seeing results.
And I do HOPE they are 'liberal' in reading lab results! A little help wouldn't hurt, eh? I've chosen not to go to the 'darkside' for the usual reasons.