Well I bombed out with 335lbs on squats 2 weeks ago. I did 335x7+2+2 one workout, it felt easy, then next one I did 335x8+2+2+2+2, then 335x6 on the next one....
Overtrained! I got a sore throat 2 days later, and a flu...
rested 6 days and then did a deload session with 255x8+3+3+3. Sub-maximal off course
then rested 5 days. Felt really good during the week, my legs and hips felt real light, loose and snappy/strong.
And today I got 255x17+3+3+3+3
damn, it looks like my squat has gone up 30-40lbs since deloading!
You would I think I have plenty of strength to powerclean 255 really easy
And 275lbs with a high catch. Pretty sure my goal of 275x15 is in the bag.
255x17 = 455lbs, 255x18 = 480lbs on the rep calculator I use, which has been accurate for me so far. So my goal of 275x15, 455lbs has been achieved. On paper I should be able to do 405x5...
Seeing as I hit my goal so easily and quickly, why stop here?!
315x15+ and 525lbs is my next goal
Anything after that is a bonus. Then lean down to at least 180lbs or under, pretty close to triple bodyweight....
The interesting this is that I put 0.5 inch on my glutes/hips and 0.25 inch on my upper thigh measurments after the deload workout . Might be why I got so much stronger
It looks like linear progression is no longer viable for me due to my strength levels and resulting fatigue generating every time I train. So My new setup is like this
4-5 days rest between sessions
1) 1x13-15 +3
2) 1x10-12 +3
3) 1x8+3+3 sub-maximal with say 60%
4) 1x7-9 +2 , backoff set 1x12-17
5) deload 60% x 5 or something
repeat until a deload block is needed
something like that anyway
For my other exercises, things will be less rigid, mostly go by feel and will switch in exercises as needed.
based on my current estimated strength levels (when fresh)
1) 255x15+3+3+3
2) 295x12+3+3
3) 255x8+3+3
4) 335x9+2+2+2, 275x14
5) 255x5
bumping up loads 5-10lbs each time around as my strength increases dictate, and letting the reps on the initial set fall where they may be
That's what i had planned at the start of the week, except I did more than 15 reps with 255lbs