Anyone haven't tried it here already?[b said:Quote[/b] (harleymon @ June 20 2005,5:36)]Good question, maybe contact Bryan Haycock.
Okay, thanks for the info![b said:Quote[/b] (Old and Grey @ June 20 2005,69)]Usually for the negatives you use a 2 rep max. Do 2 concentric and eccentric movements to gain strength and then 3 eccentric only movements to gain size. If size is your only goal, you can do all 5 reps as eccentric only.![]()
[b said:Quote[/b] ]Has anyone tried using cluster training for the post-5's as an alternative to negatives? What are the results of this approach? I am training alone, so negatives on the compound movements are out of the question (except maybe for the chins)