The Musings Of Middle Youth


New Member
Hi alls

Brief intro - been training 25 years plus both for sports and as a 90's bb'ing competitor. Got much fatter as I got older.....embraced the comfort areas of life for a while. Got things together last year and have dropped 25 pounds in bodyfat , competed as a lightweight previously. Looking at competing again in 16 weeks, current weight 160 lbs at five seven -age 46.

I dropped all interest in bodybuilding for over 15 years , didn't look at an article or a magazine , just had my fill of competing against the assisted and simply gave up. Kept training on an old fashioned push- pull- lower split with the exception of a 12 month period of severe back injuries due to a work accident.

Anyways , came on HST earlier this year after reading up on the multiple training programes out there and after trying out a few..HST was one of the few that made sense so gave it a go. It's more than a training's a way to train for life imo.

Currently on a workout A and B scenario Tue -Thurs -Sat and will be finished this run of tens at the weekend.

Back Squats
Calf Raise
Shoulder Rehab (RC issues)
Incl. Bench
Seated Rows
Seated DB Curls

Glute Ham Raise
Calf Press
BB Shrugs
Incl Press
Lat Pulls
Arm Curls

Diet is pretty tight atm . 1800 cals with a 40 carbs 40 protein 20 fats split. No hard cardio just yet and abs get trained on off days.Might increase the cals to 2200 for a six week cycle and see if I can spur a wee bit of leg growth , lost a bit of mass with the previous carve up of fat.That should still give ample time to drop four or five pounds.....hovering slightly below ten percent right now.

Looking forward to the exchange of ideas and information on this forum ,some great pointers and dialogue from what I've read thus far.
Finished off the tens cycle this morning. Will be hitting the 5's on Tuesday , definite loss of bodyfat as the navel caliper measurement has gone down 3 mill over the past few weeks yet my weight remains pretty much the same. I've switched out 30 grams of protein and some fats for more carbs. Was looking back on my nutririon log and I've been on lowish carbs (150 to 160) for quite a few months so up to 200 grams now. Definitely feeling a great benefit from this both physically and mentally.

Shoulder rehab is very slow and steady, tried a few very light lateral raises this morning but still not fit for these.Just running with external rotations - overhead shrugs and face pulls. Probably not enough time left to mass up the quads with 16 weeks today remaining so have culled the idea of a significant calorie increase. Better to be leaner and conditioned than slightly bigger but soft.
Slight change of sequence to the workout - everyday training with one day HST and the next day cardio - abs - shoulder rehab. On the fives at present and certainly finding it beneficial as opposed to the big volume workouts of the past. Squatting once a week with leg press on the other days , alternating pullups- seated rows and lat pulls .Workouts take about 45 minutes and they're enjoyable.
The shoulder rehab is light work , altho it must be said that the regular light overhead shrugs appear to be giving a change of shape to the traps by working them from a completely different direction.
Ab work is very basic - 2 sets of weighted twisting decline crunches followed by 2 sets of seated knee raises.
Been an age since I posted , definite proof of time becoming faster as one gets older :-)So where to start - competed at the Nationals in Oct and placed third in the Masters at the svelte weight of 158 pounds. Had a plan to regain slowly post comp and ran a couple of cycles of Lyles GBR which has put me at 168 pounds at 10 percent bodyfat. Started another HST cycle this week with some subtle changes to help recovery and joint issues. I have little interest in lifting big numbers anymore so the plan is to achieve a maintainable level of training that simply allows progress ,nothing along the lines of what some wish for - personally I'm happy with being reasonably balanced physique wise and just wish to stay injury free and make marginal gains over time.Finally got around to putting in a decent home training setup with some home made kit and Oly weight set so this affords the luxury of anytime training that I am quite amazed by.The routine is an upper /lower split based an progression from 75 to 100 percent rep maxes over six workouts per rep cycle. Training will be Upper/Sat Lower/ Sun Upper/Tue Lower/Wed , started on the 15's this week after a nine day SD.UpperFlat BenchLat PullMil PressRowArm CurlShrugTri ExtLowerBack SquatRDLLeg ExtLeg CurlCalf RaiseHLRComments/obsevations welcome as always.
Had to restart this phase after a bout of pneumonia , weak - gassed and very sore lol. At least it meant a really good deload phase :-) , switched to DB mil press and lateral raises for shoulders and Incline Bench for chest. I'll keep the compounds rolling along the HST rep ranges and throw in some isolation work in the 12 - 15 rep range every workout. So as such the routine now looks likeUpper Incline BenchBB Rows or BB ShrugsDB Mil PressLatpulls (at 2 x 12 -15 always)Lateral Raises (at 2 x 12 -15 always)SkullcrushersEZ CurlsPushdowns (at 2 x 12 -15 always)LowerSquatsRDLLeg Ext (at 2 x 12 -15 always)Leg Curl (at 2 x 12 -15 always)Calf RaiseHLR x 2It looks minnimialist and somewhat abbreviated - probably because it is :-)