The Results Are In!

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Key Of David

This is my first cycle in probably a year and a half or so, but my body wasn't as deconditioned as I thought it would be.  I did high reps with light weights for a while before I ever even thought about finding my rep maxes for the 15, 10, and 5 ranges.

Now my first 2 cycles a while back didn't involve creatine supplementation or going multiple sets as the rep ranges went down.  That changed this time.  

I took 5 gms of creatine everyday in the morning.

I increased my sets as the reps went down accordingly; 15s were 1 set, 10s were 2, and 5s were 3.

This cycle started on Monday, 10/23/06 and this past week on Friday, 12/23/06.   I maybe could have lasted longer and maybe possibly gained more but I was getting really busy, losing a lot of sleep, losing my appetite, and was feeling very burned out at this point.  I contribute this to 1) the business/involvement during the holiday season, and 2) SAD (Seasonal Affective Depression, or you could say "winter depression").  

I don't like that "burned out" feeling as it means overtraining so I decided to stop this cycle here.  I will pick it back up during the beginning part of Jan after the holidays are over.  It was perfect timing really but it was very difficult to bring myself to do it while I was making great gains with the heavy 5s, my biggest gaining rep range.  

My bodyweight went from 170 before the 15s, to 165 after the 15s (lost a small gut), went to 167 (while losing even more waist) through the 10s and then leaped up to 175 into the 4 weeks of 5s.  I guess I've got a lot of fast twitch fibers?

Most of the following measurement increases were made during my 5s which lasted 5 weeks altogether.  Thought I was going to have to buy all new shirts if this kept up.  lol

Forearms - 11 1/4 to 12

Arms - 12 3/4 to 14

Thighs - 20 1/4 to 21 1/4

Calves - 14 1/2 to same (didn't work em this time)

Waist - 34 to 32

Shoulders - 46 1/4 to 48 1/2

Chest - 41 to 42

I didn't measure the neck (how do you?) but it made a major increase visibly in the traps and the weights increased to more weights than I have.  I will definately be getting more plates now.  I was working with a standard set but may jump to Olympic now.  

I know these measurements my look "wimpy" to some since I am 5'9", but I'm very proud of what I've done with this body.  Not to brag but what muscle I do put on my lean frame looks good.  I'm very hard to gain, small framed and was one of those skinny kids in high school with an extremely fast metabolism, so it feels good to be able to say something good for a change.  During 9th grade I weighed 120.  I was one of those kids who was wimpy and was picked on in school so I've always felt self conscious about my weight and strength and wanted to increase my weight somehow.  

When my dad bought me a Weider iron weight set and decent workout bench during I guess it was about 10 grade I was hooked on lifting weights (but sadly totally ignorant of dieting).  That weight set came with a workout program that changed every other week (you know the traditions of that crowd), etc.  Well the first one was actually similar to this HST in that it was a 3 days a week/full body workout.  I made the most gains I've ever made next to HST with that one....and it was supposed to be the "wimpy beginners" program.  I went from 120 in the beginning of high school to about 145 after I graduated, working out off and on without being "athletic" at all aside from the workouts.  

The weights that I workout with increased a great deal during this most recent cycle.  I FEEL I'm a weakling when it comes to how much weight I workout with so without displaying the exact weights I'm lifting I would still like to share with you all my increases during this cycle. ;)

Workout Weight Increases (5 rep range)

Squats up 30 lbs

Incline Bench Press (20 degree) up 40 lbs

Bendover Rows up 20 lbs

Military Press up 20 lbs

Close Grip Military Press up 40 lbs

Barbell Curls up 10 lbs

Reverse Barbell Curls up 10 lbs

Behind Back Wrist Curls up 20 lbs

Shrugs up 20 lbs (as much as I can put on barbell)

Crunches up 30 lbs and then more than I could fit onto dumbell (over 85 lbs) (will try doing on bench with barbell next time)

Anyway those were the results for this cycle.  My all time goal has been to break 180.  That made it that much more difficult to stop during this cycle.  When I last weighed myself I was 176.  So so close.  

But I have no doubt I will MORE than break it the next cycle!!

Now that I put yall to sleep I'll stop.

Happy Holidays!

I totally forgot to post the pics! The proof is in the puddin. ;)

I forgot to take a pic of my "before" (I'm just not good with the pic thing) until after I did my 15s so this first "before" pic is after my 15s when I was already getting a little pumped and lost the gut;


And just took this after pic tonight;


Sorry for the poor quality. Yes my cam is getting worse and worse and yes its going in the trash after I get a new one.
As I said in the "how much do you bench" thread, I'm more impressed with changes than final results, and you've made great headway. I see you have a "roman trunk" like me. Those "love handles" that we all hate are gonna be your biggest problem as you get older, unless you work from the lean side of things. Seems like this cut shrunk my whole body, but the hated 'handles' stayed put.

Awsome transformation in a VERY short time! Good cycle bro!
Great work and great progress!

It is always nice to hear of people making headway toward their goals. Good luck with future progress and please keep posting your results.
Gained muscle AND lost fat!!!  Your transformation is incredible.  You lost fat in the beginning of the cycle and gained a bunch of muscle for the rest of it.

Very good job, but just remember that 'untrained' or 'newbie' results don't last.
I stopped lifting for a long time and in May, 2006 I got into Max-stimulation training.  In the first 2 months I put on 8 lb.s of muscle!!!
  In the last 5 months I have put on only 6 more lb.s.  (partly because I lost bulking time during a brief cut.)
It can be frustrating to be making newbie gains and then suddenly things slow down.  You made some pretty awesome progress, but don't expect it every cycle.  I have set some goals for myself long-term, and now every cycle I write down some high, but realistic goals for me to reach by the end of that cycle.
For example, I am starting my 4th cycle for new years and it will be a 20 week cycle. 20 week max-stim cycle  My goal is to go from my current 193 lb.s to 210 lb.s with minimal fat gain.  And gain 3/4" on my arms to hit 16".  Pretty damn lofty goals, if I hit them...great, if I don't it doesn't matter.  All that matters is that I have a written goal and I am aiming for it.

Again, great results.  Enjoy the gains!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Gained muscle AND lost fat!!!</div>

Well done dude! You're proof that this can be done, but mostly to newbies and more slowly to more conditioned athletes.

Keep it up! One more HST success story!
(Fausto @ Dec. 25 2006,13:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Gained muscle AND lost fat!!!</div>

Well done dude! You're proof that this can be done, but mostly to newbies and more slowly to more conditioned athletes.

Keep it up! One more HST success story!
We have a thread for this!
Thanks for the responses guys it was appreciated. It takes hard work for gains but boy does that hard work pay off!

Not sure I've heard the term &quot;Roman trunk&quot; before but I think I know what you mean. It wasn't always like that as my waist was 28 in high school, went up to 29 before I hit 20 and then went up to 32-34 at the later part of my 20s. I have a small frame so I don't know what happened with my waist and why it got &quot;wider&quot;....I suspect there's a lot of intermuscular fat that needs working out in the &quot;love handle&quot; muscles? My waist just couldn't have changed bone structure as I got older right? They ARE the last thing to shrink while losing fat.

Anyway you are right as I get older its easier and easier to get that gut and love handles and while I still don't have to monitor my diet obsessively as some others I'm at the point I have to watch what I eat while not working out. I can eat ALL the calories I want while lifting weights though and my body...I don't know....goes into fat loss mode and stays that matter HOW much I I hate to see that go with age...but I know its coming at some point!!

Scientific....I know exactly what you are saying. I hope it doesn't happen until after my next cycle but I do know a slow down is coming. I think I gained so much size and strength this time around partly due to the fact that I WAS in &quot;newbie&quot; mode for the training volume I just did and hadn't trained for quite a while. Another reason is I made sure I got my calories in and got my daily creatine (for the first time). Man.....I've never been so thirsty in my life.....thought I was turning into a fish there for a while.

I'm definately in for the long term goals. I want to hit 180 and then from there what I gain is fine....don't have to kill myself for it ya know? Of course with HST you really aren't killing yourself anyway like so many of these poor saps who work out full steam to failure in the gym 6 days a week.

I was gonna post this in the &quot;results&quot; thread too, but wanted to put it here first to get it out there.

You guys have been a really big help in all this for me so part of it is due to you. Sometimes you can casually post the smallest detail about something and never knew it helped someone out there to whom that tiny detail made all the difference. Thank you guys for the relative lack of attitude on this board, which is prevelant among so many muscle heads out there and your willingness to help out a brother in need.

Most of all THANK YOU BRYAN if you're reading this! Its folks like you who help to better this world we live in throughout history because you weren't in it just for the money or yourself!
(Key Of David @ Dec. 25 2006,18:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Most of all THANK YOU BRYAN if you're reading this! Its folks like you who help to better this world we live in throughout history because you weren't in it just for the money or yourself!</div>
I second that! Thanks Bryan!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Arms - 12 3/4 to 14

Thighs - 20 1/4 to 21 1/4

Calves - 14 1/2 to same (didn't work em this time)

Waist - 34 to 32

Shoulders - 46 1/4 to 48 1/2</div>

Waist, Shoulders, and Arms are very impressive... good pics

P.S. What I love about this forum is that people do not judge whether someone is small or huge. We care about the gains made on each and every cycle.

Success is making progress at something and never quiting.
(scientific muscle @ Dec. 25 2006,13:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Gained muscle AND lost fat!!!  Your transformation is incredible.  You lost fat in the beginning of the cycle and gained a bunch of muscle for the rest of it.

Very good job, but just remember that 'untrained' or 'newbie' results don't last.
I stopped lifting for a long time and in May, 2006 I got into Max-stimulation training.  In the first 2 months I put on 8 lb.s of muscle!!!
  In the last 5 months I have put on only 6 more lb.s.  (partly because I lost bulking time during a brief cut.)
It can be frustrating to be making newbie gains and then suddenly things slow down.  You made some pretty awesome progress, but don't expect it every cycle.  I have set some goals for myself long-term, and now every cycle I write down some high, but realistic goals for me to reach by the end of that cycle.
For example, I am starting my 4th cycle for new years and it will be a 20 week cycle. 20 week max-stim cycle  My goal is to go from my current 193 lb.s to 210 lb.s with minimal fat gain.  And gain 3/4&quot; on my arms to hit 16&quot;.  Pretty damn lofty goals, if I hit them...great, if I don't it doesn't matter.  All that matters is that I have a written goal and I am aiming for it.

Again, great results.  Enjoy the gains!

Forgive me if I have already asked you this.

What is your protein intake looking like during your bulk.

I am sure its pre and post workout but are you going with .7 gram for LBM or the standard 1 gram per LBM.

Just a quick note for our noob - HST is sort of easy. But at the max days at the end of the mesocycles it is hard, especially if your max is higher than you were before, and there will always be days when a workout is just tough. But we get through it.
I don't count calories and protein and all that jazz. I just eat and watch the scale, if it goes up too fast I cut back, if it goes up too slow I eat more. Nutrition is important, but too many people overthink it. All the science I have looked at basically enough to grow, eat a balanced diet, get enough protein and vitamins, etc. Basic stuff.
Thanks Sci,

I was just wondering b/c I sometimes think we can get by on less protein than what most recommend.

I have seen some people even state that .5 grams of protein is sufficient???
I don't count everything either and I don't take in 1 gm protein per lb of bodyweight. I also don't eat 6 meals per day as I used to. On some days for me it WAS probably .5g of protein per lb of bodyweight but that wasn't the norm. I'd say for me it was more around 120g per day. I made sure I a LOT of calories from fat as my body seems to be efficient at burning it (it used to be anyway) and the carb counting came into play around my workouts where it becomes very important.

For me right long as I use common sense, feed myself efficiently and get at least 3 meals a day and get those proteins/carbs in around the workouts I'm good to go.
The roman trunk is/are your lower obliques. I have them too and they only get bigger the more you squat and dead lift.

Nice work.
(scientific muscle @ Dec. 25 2006,23:38)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">eat enough to grow, eat a balanced diet, get enough protein and vitamins, etc.  Basic stuff.</div>
If this is NOT the under-/overstatement of the year...........

I think it should be this whole websites avatar!

Can I quote you...