The Zone


New Member
I recently picked up a book called the Omega Zone by Dr. Barry Sears. It had a lot of information about Omega-3 fatty acids that I wanted to read about. I also learned about his diet plan that he has consulted to people (and now millions) over the years. I must say that it is a very sound diet with no b.s.!

Three Properties of the Diet
1) Maintain balance between protein and carbohydrate intake at every meal and snack.
2) Supplement with pharmaceutical grade fish oil specifically EPA and DHA.
3) Decreased caloric intake

Only the last principle should really have no regard to any of us who are bulking. Most people around here supplement with health grade fish oil, and probably get half as much EPA and DHA as Sears suggests we consume. The better quality fish oil comes with a higher price tag, but it's hormonal control is a benefit that shouldn't be avoided. The amount of EPA and DHA that he suggests is about 1500mg and 900mg respectively.

The first property is the only one that I really don't do whatsoever. Most of us don't ration are protein and carbohydrates to be equal at every meal. His suggestion is obvious: stick with fruits and vegetables for most of your C-intake. I don't plan on cutting out some of my pasta, rice, and potatoes, but I am sure I can reduce it by about 50% and eat more fruits and veggies. That's a no brainer' for better health. His reasons for the constant C/P ratio is insulin control, optimal hormonal response, and hunger control. FYI, a slightly biased P/C ratio w.r.t. protein intake should have decent control on insulin, greater mental focus, but a lack of being full. That may be the secret change to the diet for those of us who want to bulk.

I am interested in people's opinions on The Zone. Dr. Pierre, I know your Paleo diet mimics this one, so I would be very interested in what you have to say about Sears' work.
My wife and myself both did The Zone Diet from the original book years ago. If I remember rightly we both lost about 2 stone (28 pounds) over the course of about 3 months so it definitely worked for us at that time.
More recently I saw a TV program following the efforts of an extremely obese guy from Brazil who eventually got help from Dr. Sears and lost a considerable amount of weight.
At the moment I'm cutting using the anabolic diet which seems to still be working (12% BF atm) but when I get to where I want to be I will probably end up on something closer to the Zones 40:30:30 and try to slowly bulk from there. I will NEVER be fat again.
Too much fish oil will thin your blood way too much and when you bleed it will not be fun.

This is not a joke. Some people are getting carried away with fish oils and omega 3´s.

Eat salmon 3x a week, eat your omega 3 eggs and you´ll be fine.

I read the Zone books, they seem reasonable, up to the point where he starts talking about altering gene structures.
Although the warningsconcerning blood thinning are listed in his book, he doesn't prescribe people to take an abundant amount of Omega-3 fatty acids unless they are very sick.

Personally, I could use the slight blood thinning effect since I have a hereditary blood clotting defect.
Pierre, I didn't read the gene structuring portion yet. I got through the basic meat and potatoes of the Omega Zone book. What are your thoughts about the insulin/eicosanoid control via P/C balancing at every meal?
The gene alteration was in the first book.
For me, the biggest effect on what I would assume to be insulin response, was the switching of C-source to fruits and vegetables. I assume that what he talks about re: protein and C-ration is also true as my C-switch was accompanied by an increase in protein and fat intake at every meal. In the end, my cravings for sugar evaporated and the fat melted away and when I look back over the last 7 months, the ratio of C:P:F is on average around 40:30:30. There were long stretches of 20:40:40 ratios and this was accompanied by the greatest and fastest loss of fat (and some muscle).

My weight has stabilized to 78-80 kgs without having to really watch what I eat , other than no grain products. I am always eating protein and fat with fruits and veggies. I have switched from looking at weight to observing the fat go away which now that the biking season is over, and I go back to a regular weight lifting schedule, should be fairly fast.
I have been practicing the Zone for one week now. It's tough to get used to the lower protein. I cannot afford to eat 200-250 grams of protein/day on a cut because that also means I must eat the same amount of carbohydrates. I started my 11th cycle this week, so it will be interesting to see how much energy I have as well as my gains/muscle retention with the lower protein intake.