
The Rose

New Member
I really want to get cut (8% bodyfat) down from the 13% I am currently at. Can anybody recommend a really effective thermogenic?
Bryan has an article about ephedrine and caffeine taken together at a 1:10 ratio. Check it out here:

Here's an excerpt:

"So what does all this have to do with ephedrine? Well, ephedrine also has a very short half-life, only about 3-4 hours. Keep in mind that this does not mean that ephedrine levels are high for the full 3-4 hours. In reality, they will peak early and then begin to decline quite rapidly. So if you are taking ephedrine every 4 hours, levels are pretty low for most of that time. What’s the solution? Simple. Take ephedrine at least every 2 hours. You will find in doing so that you don’t get the hills and valleys in your mood either. NOTE: if you are taking 20 mg ephedrine with 200 mg caffeine every 4 hours, you should half the dose to take it every 2 hours. That way you are still taking the same total amount over the course of the day. You will be surprised at how such a small change can dramatically improve the experience and results of using ephedrine and caffeine."

It sounds like it works.