Thinking about keeping things at higher reps


New Member
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Greetings fellow steel benders!

I have been doing about 5 HST cycles since last year. Good results especially in the beginning. But I guess I am now past my noob gains and things have plateaued. About to turn 37, busy at work, was shock by an earthquake here in Tokyo last year as well. Was actually in the gym when the big one hit. My home gym, a bench with a low and high pulley arrived the evening of the earthquake as well.

Anyhow I got over those shocks got out of the expensive sports club and I now have a nice little home gym set up with dumb bell sets, a low and high pulley that I use for lat pull down cable rows and tri push downs. I have come to enjoy my home gym and getting quite used to dumb bell training although I have very thin wrists and I find it hard to balance too much weight when doing chest dumb bell press as compared to barbell chest press for example.
Until now I have always felt that 15s have given me a great pump and I am not sure if I have benefited that greatly from the 5s. Now doing mostly dumbbell training as well prevent me from increasing the weights too much on the 5s, my wrists kind of holding me back.
I was trying to search about 15/12/8 and that is what I think I will be planning for m next cycle.
Any input on the idea? Could it still possibly lead to as much hypertrophy or possibly more than training heavy with 5s or even heavier?
I think I will try anyhow just interested in what people might think.


Muskelman [h=1][/h]
I think 15/12/8 will work just fine. The 6-12 rep range is often recommended for hypertrophy while working at a lower rep range pushes thing more toward strength though you will have both hypertrophy and strength in both ranges. You might miss out on some strength gains which in the long run could slow your hypertrophy gains because you won’t be pushing as much weight which doesn’t allow for as much progression. However, you might balance that out some by using exercises that allow for a greater range of motion possible with DBs.
Don't be afraid to use higher reps. I use higher reps on joints that I know will not take the beating. Plus, if you slow things down and create a lot of metabolic stress to make up for the decreased load-stress you will still get decent results.
Thank you both of you for reply!
And I kind of say wow about getting a reply from Bryan Haycock himself! Hats off and gratitude and smiles your way:)
I have really been enjoying the HST style of setting things up my last year or so. I was just in the end of my cycle HST at home number 4 and I squeezed out my previous 10 rep maxes 12 times and most of my previous 5 rep maxes 8 times and the following following workout I clustered out around 24 reps. Dropping my frequency to twice a week in the end of cycles a as well. Missing a pull up bar but getting by with what I have. Mostly when it comes to dumbbell chest press I feel I that the lack of balance and wrist strength keeps my from going as heavy as with barbell press.
Back in high school I used to have pretty decently pumped pecs from only doing high rep push ups although I remember it being kind of mentally more taxing than just squeeze out a few low rep sets with some weighted chest press...
Your were a very good omen as I am going to try and keep going at my 8rm for a little longer and see if I can keep pushing my physical strength level just before my 37th birthday. I did get a little bit tired and sometimes caught a cold in the end of cycles before but this time I have been upping calories and drinking some immune strengthening herbs as well. Well sleep time before it's wake up time and iron time. I find it really awesome to have a little home gym with nobody but I and my iron! Wake up, down a pre workout and jump on the aero. Workout. Have a bath. Cook some oat meal, carb up with dates bananas an

Peace iron fellas;)