too simple to start with?


New Member
I haven't done any weights in about 10 months, about to get back into it, and my first HST cycle. I was thinking of keeping it really simple for my first cycle, and then adding in more exercises in subsequent cycles. I was thinking of doing (in order):

dumbbell bench
cable row
lat pulldown
military press

I am going to follow the 15's/10's/5's routine, doing mostly 2 sets for all exercises in the first week, and probably both weeks in the 15's. I am going to go by how I feel mostly to judge when to do 2 sets. I think I have most of the major muscle groups in there. My thinking was that because I am so deconditioned, it shouldn't take much to get some growth happening, and I would only add in more exercises to hit muscles more than once after my body had adapted to this routine. Does this fit in with HST principles and sound like a good idea?
Start with the squats mate, they can be hard on you and you want to be fresh.

Include deadlits if you can, the rest looks fine, I'd do chins instead of rows but not evyone favours them, they are darn hard, I know!