Total Reps

Quad is now doing 75 or more!!

I've done the same amount of volume per exercise over the past two years. Over the course of a cycle, it averages out to 30 reps.
I'm off the charts, NOT doing HST right now, was trying to cut and keep some beef. Eating maintenance for the moment, trying some new tricks, high and lowrep workouts alternated.
All my HST cycles were about 30 reps or less. Madcow 5x5 - obvious, MuscleNow program - 40 and up, DC training...uh, I can't remember, but it was wasted time for me. My instinctive training of late has been about four exersizes for about 20+ reps, focusing on heavy.
I've been using the Max-Stim recommended 20 repetitions for every exercise. It gets pretty interesting when I'm doing my 5RM for 20 reps. This much TUT would be out of the question for me otherwise.
I voted thirty reps. (all are targets, not that I'm afraid to deviate. just like the 3 set concept).
45 during 15's.
30 during 10's.
15 during 5's.
90 divided by three = 30
I am the only one that voted 36 reps...I should of voted 33.3 reps

I can't help it I am extremely anal and complusive and ever sense I have read that study over at Lyles site of 50 to 100 reps per week for hypertrophy then I shoot for that!

Again though I am extremely anal!
Are we talking reps per exercise or reps per bodypart?

Reps per exercise would seem a bit pointless to me as somebody might be doing 1 pulling exercise when someone else is doing 2 etc etc.
Sorry let me explain.

Total reps per bodypart.

For example

Bench press 4 sets of 10 reps = 40 total reps for that workout.


Bench press 2 sets of 10 reps
Flys 2 sets of 10 reps...still 40 total reps.

I probably answered wrong then... I would lean towards 36 or 40 if it is per body part...

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I can't help it I am extremely anal and complusive and ever sense I have read that study over at Lyles site of 50 to 100 reps per week for hypertrophy then I shoot for that!</div>

3x/week frequency * 30 reps/bodypart = 90 reps &lt;&gt; about 100 reps
It seems that there is some confusion around total reps per muscle group.

I have seen many say they used 20 reps...but then they do 2 exercises...(so thats not 20 reps that 40)

That was the purpose of the see what everyone is REALLY now doing...
Glad we got that clarified Joe!

I'm not going to be much use for the survey but at the moment I'm doing 10 heavy reps per bodypart max stim style (have a min to do each rep) - either deads, bench row or squats, military, chins - and then I'm either adding a couple of sets of 5s or another exercise with 3 sets of 10.

So that's 20-40 reps!

Really trying to figure out which is more useful, a few more reps at heavier weights or a lot more reps at lighter weights...I guess that's what this poll is trying to figure out!

One thing is for sure though, the first 10 reps are definitely staying, love lifting above my 2rm :-D



Depending upon your level of conditioning and expierence 20 reps is most likely plenty, considering you are using adequate weight.

Max stim guys make great results with 20 reps.

Some of us you more personally I try to keep mine in the range of 24 to 36 reps. meaning I go as low as 4 sets of 6 reps (heavy weight) and I go as high as 3 sets of 12 reps.

The majority of the guys on here shoot for 30 reps ...and that is most likely what I probabley average myself.

However there are times when I think a planned overtraining or overeaching program has its benefits.

These time could be at the very end of a program before SD.
It could be used to bust through plateau...etc.

Volume is a unique thing that within reason can shock your body.

What I mean by this is normally speaking take the opposite of what you normally do and do it.

So for example I am in the middle and 3 weeks away from ending my overeaching cycle of chest and back specialization. I am using 40 to 50 reps of with 70% of my 1 rep max Load.

Now this overeaching has gave me a great look and pump...but I have about milked it for all that is worth now 3 week into it.

What I will do next is a long SD about 2 to 3 weeks and then start back with 20 reps.

If SD works like its suppose too (Im not so sure that it does???) this will work fine....but even if it doesn't it will give me a break and allow me to get back use to some heavier rep ranges.

Im not sure if I helped you any with my answer but WAVE LOADING and playing with volume has been around for decades and its a lot of fun to CUT UP using it instead of cardio!

Long story short if done properly WAVE LOADING can be beneficial IMO.

However when its all said and done I was come back home to HST...but 13 years now into the IRON game I need something 2 or 3 times a year to break up the boredom!
I do 15 reps. Im on cutting now and i dont know if it would be enough on bulking.
And how is it possible to do 30-40 reps and finnish your practice in less than 90 minutes?
With my 15 reps it takes me 75 minutes, and i do only 5 compounds.
25-30 on my own routines. but during school, they MAKE us go to like 100 reps. example, 6x10 bench, 6x10 incine.

(Avi1985 @ Jul. 11 2007,21:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I do 15 reps. Im on cutting now and i dont know if it would be enough on bulking.
And how is it possible to do 30-40 reps and finnish your practice in less than 90 minutes?
With my 15 reps it takes me 75 minutes, and i do only 5 compounds.</div>
Are you doing 3 sets of 5?

Because if so, assuming a couple of mins rest between sets, 30 secs for a set, and a warm up set for each exercise that's..

5 exercises x 4 sets x 2.5 mins = 50mins

10 mins for pratting around and you're done in an hour
(Avi1985 @ Jul. 11 2007,04:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I do 15 reps. Im on cutting now and i dont know if it would be enough on bulking.
And how is it possible to do 30-40 reps and finnish your practice in less than 90 minutes?
With my 15 reps it takes me 75 minutes, and i do only 5 compounds.</div>
Im not sure why it takes you that long.

Like RobecF should be out in plenty of time.

3 sets of 5 for Chest, Back Shoulders,Legs =12 sets total.

Lets look at the facts.

A 5 rep max will take maybe 20 seconds to lift tops but we will say 30 for easy math.

So thats 1.5 mins for 3 sets.
1.5 mins over 12 sets takes you to 18 mins total in workout time.

Now lets say you rest 3 mins between sets that takes you to 36 mins between sets.

Lets say you rest 3 mins between exercises thats another 8 mins.

I am being way gracious and over estimating everything and that still brings up to a total time of 62 mins.

Personally I doubt a 5 rep max takes you more than 20 seconds to the time should be under and hour!

I agree. You must be talking too much between sets AVI!
My workout never takes more than an hour...4-5 exercises, 3 sets each + lots of warm-ups. I work out alone at home though, and I don't putz around, I lift hard, take minimum rest and git 'er done.