

Well-Known Member
Hey Totentanz...

...I was just curious, assuming it's your image, how did you set up the lighting for that awesome pick..?

Is the light from the camera's angle, above...?

And what's the tatt of?
I was having my wife take some pics to show my cutting progress.
I used to play around with photography back in high school, and decided to have some fun. Basically there is a lamp above me, but a short distance in front of me. It took a while to get the angle of the camera and the lamp just right though. I thought it looked kind of cool though.

The tattoo is an ouroboros. I guess maybe I should have waited until after gaining weight to get the tattoo, since it's a bit more oval shaped now, rather than circular like it was when I originially got it. Oh well.
dang Totentanz I didn't think that was you. When your done with your cutting cycles how about posting some before and after pics?

Joe G
I'm looking rather scrawny at the moment, I think I may wait to take pics again until I've bulked back up.
My wife just told me I'm getting too skinny last night... First, when I hit 210 during the peak of my bulk, she complains I'm getting too big, so when I start dieting and get down to 185 lbs again, she says I'm too skinny. I don't get it. Does she want me big or little?

When I told her my ultimate goal is to get to (at least) a lean 215 lbs, she almost had a heart attack.
Death dance -

I find the same thing -- your too fat, your too muscular... you are focusing on this weightlifting too much.. you need to workout more. You are too thin. Is all this protein good for you......... I think people don't know how to react to weightlifting... That is why I started the "reacting to muscle thread" a while back ......on the other hand they have no problem with "avid golfers". Just listen to you own inner voice.. go for the body you want. To thine own self be.....

I also didn't know it was you, Tot! You are the star of your very own avatar!

On a side note: I friggn' love this forum! It never ceases to amaze me how kind, helpful, and knowlegeable the "regulars" are. Props to you all!

Also, I am starting my 2nd cycle tomorrow after a 14 day SD. I can barely contain myself. I am so excited. Anyhoo.
Yeah, it doesn't help that there is a wealth of ignorance about everything. I talked to some girl the other day - people come to me for advice a lot - and she wanted to know how many crunches to do so she could lose the fat around her stomach. I actually helped a couple people I know set up routines, but they didn't get very good results because they refuse to eat a proper diet or they can't apply themselves long enough...
I've already warned my wife that I plan to keep changing until I am happy with myself. She's worried I'm going to "go too far" or something. It's not like I'll be Ronnie Coleman in a decade or anything...

Chief: my thoughts exactly.
Well mad props to you, that's an awesome pic and an awesome look..

And if you get to 215lbs with that defintion, your wife will be like a kid in a candy store ;)

Great avatar and good going! As for stisfying wifes that is another story LOL tell me

As Bob says
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]To thine own self be.....
couldn't agree more, even with the nag I often hear you're so self centered, well, I'd rather have that than a belly pot thank you

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]your wife will be like a kid in a candy store

How do you get this one right :confused:?:confused:?

I'd really love that! Serious!