training 2 days in a row

Its fine, just split up your volume if you are in for a long haul, else just do it, its not a big deal!
I was wondering about that. My schedule can sometimes be crazy with travelling for work and such. Plus some days, like today, was a non-training day but i felt really good and wanted to go lift, but i resisted.

Is there a consensus on this? You mentioned the volume. Like instead of 3 sets, maybe 1 or 2? What if i did compounds on MWF and occasionally iso's on Tues/Thurs?
It's pretty much up to you how you split it, but try as you can to avoid retraining a muscle. Some overlap will be unavoidable in some situations, like push-pull. I think upper/lower is a good method; I use it.
Compounds/Iso's will be the worst for this overlap since you're directly using everything in a compound. There have been instances where people have gained by training twice, but I don't think that's science as much as luck or something.
Quad is quite on themoney here.

I am looking at it as a short term situation, you can do a 6x week training scheme whereby you juggle the volume to be about the same as a 3x week program or maybe a just a tad higher, but this is not something one would recommend off the bat.

If that happens to you every so now and then...use it, but don't forget to rest also and this would be intermittent until you get a better daily routine I suppose!
I am currently doing some training most days as I am often pushed for time (plus, I have to admit, I now rather enjoy hitting just a couple of exercises really hard and then doing the rest the following day).

If you can get to the gym on two consecutive days and one other then a good plan of action is to do full-body on the isolated day and a split on the other two days. That way you work each muscle group twice a week and you can still get in a fair amount of volume.
Short term: do not worry about it; train as much as you can.

Long term: volume should have an inverse relationship with frequency
i think its better just to take extra time off. imo its better to under-train than risk overreaching/ overtraining
(wannagrow @ May 02 2008,10:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i think its better just to take extra time off. imo its better to under-train than risk overreaching/ overtraining</div>
It takes a lot more than you think to over train one's self.
(colby2152 @ May 02 2008,11:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(wannagrow @ May 02 2008,10:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i think its better just to take extra time off. imo its better to under-train than risk overreaching/ overtraining</div>
It takes a lot more than you think to over train one's self.</div>
its better to be safe tha nto be sorry
(Lol @ May 01 2008,6:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If you can get to the gym on two consecutive days and one other then a good plan of action is to do full-body on the isolated day and a split on the other two days. That way you work each muscle group twice a week and you can still get in a fair amount of volume.</div>
It's wierd that you said and recomended this b/c lately I have been doing some thinking outside of the box.

I often have wondered what a 4 day routine set up like the following would work out.

Day 1 Full body routine ( 2 to 3 sets for everything HEAVY)

day 2 rest

Day 3 Rest

Day 4 Chest and triceps

Day 5 Back and Biceps

Day 6 REST

Day 7 legs and shoulders

2 day rest period and start the cycle over.

My thinking around this crazy logic would be you would use progressive load measurements on full body day and try to beat your last weeks workout every week or every other week.

Then on the split you would do VOLUME TRAINING for total work?

It looks good on paper for someone with time, patience, food supply...etc...but it could = real world CRAP?

Just a thought...
It's a nine-day circle. IMO, too long apart to be called &quot;training&quot;, but your saving grace may be the overlap usage. I'm not so sure about your max days though - training reps and light won't do much for them that far apart, but I could be wrong I'll admit.
No training days or volume days would not be light work.

It would be more like 75 to 80% range of your maxes.

The idea behind this would be frequency of twice a week training which = good!

Volume training which we know volume is always good just not at the sake of frequency or load.

So on paper...I see were it could work...but then again it could be REAL WORLD CRAP.

Again it's not even half way pratical in my world but I could of done it in say College days!
I will add though there is really no reason to try this routine...its just another way to get from A to B basically.

A more real world approach and one that I wish fit into my schedule is LYLES bulking routine...with upper / lower / upper / lower split.

IMO...and its a humble opinon...I personally think if I could choose any routine to follow if TIME was not a problem LYLES bulking routine would be spot on!

IT appears to be the closest to perfect frequency and volume that I have seen.
I agree and one point of mine is that too many guys limit themselves to a weekly rythm when a rotation would allow for more frequent w.o.'s and/or circumvent the loss of training when one is missed. It doesn't matter to me what day it is; as long as I get in there and hit the next thing on the schedule.
I now do upper/lower but will hit everything on a good day. A &quot;bad&quot; day is say, doing just chest or back and missing the other. I simply do whatever makes that up on the next w.o., and hit lower if possible as well, you see?
(quadancer @ May 02 2008,10:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I agree and one point of mine is that too many guys limit themselves to a weekly rythm when a rotation would allow for more frequent w.o.'s and/or circumvent the loss of training when one is missed. It doesn't matter to me what day it is; as long as I get in there and hit the next thing on the schedule.
I now do upper/lower but will hit everything on a good day. A &quot;bad&quot; day is say, doing just chest or back and missing the other. I simply do whatever makes that up on the next w.o., and hit lower if possible as well, you see?</div>
I agree with this...and I have found myself doing this as of lately.

I just don't seem to have the motivation to train anymore...not really sure why...I love it ( The IRON GAME )....but I seem to get to the gym and bust up 3 to 4 sets of chest then the same for back and then I am Tired and weak feeling and have not motivation to train.

I figured I could cut back the volume to 2 or 3 sets but no more than I am training now...on average about 2 times a week...2 wouldn't be enough.

I don't know what to do?
I now train each body part twice every 8 days and workout every day for about 15 minutes. I do a four day split and hit each bodypart with about 4 sets in total. My total workout over the 8 days is only 32 sets done in less than 2 hours! I love it. Then again, I am not looking to make big gains. I am about where I want to be, except for traps, and have really found that, surprise, less is actually more if you want muscle mass.
My problem seems to be frequency of training.

I can go to the gym some weeks for 4 days others its just 1 day.

So volume and loads are all screwed up b/c of the lack of ability to properly set up a decent HST cycle or any cycle.

3 sets of 10 reps is great on 3 days a week but it doesn't do it on 1 day a week.

Hence I haven't made any gains of late b/c of this situation....on the other hand if I blast a bodypart I can't hit it again as far as full body and frequency go!

I know the solution but Im being a lazy panzy!
Well, you've probably seen my reasoning of late: there are 3 bodyparts. So my &quot;split&quot; is chest, back, and legs...BUT...I do all 3 if I or two if I can't...and keep a rotation going, so whatever was missed is next to get hit. On the &quot;good&quot; weeks where we don't miss workouts, and wholebody is done, there are 3-1/2 workouts for every muscle. On a &quot;bad&quot; week, I might get as little as once per bp. due to hitting only one thing once per workout.