training 2 days in a row

Exactly...but we are doing the best we can!

At least without sacificies something...

And lately being a DAD, Husband and small business owner is a little more important!
<div></div><div id="CODEHEAD">CODE</div><div id="CODE">Exactly...but we are doing the best we can! :D

At least without sacificies something... :O

And lately being a DAD, Husband and small business owner is a little more important! </div>
Life always seems to get in the way, doesn't it?

I think that in cases like this persistence is the key factor; never quit and keep going, working out whenever you can.

As quad has suggested, maybe minimal (chest, back, legs) full-body workouts could be the solution? You could aim for 2x a week, but even if it's only 1 workout at least you will still have hit everything...

Best of luck,
Do what you can and don't stress over what you can't do. That will have a negative impact on what you can do. Unless you are a professional and BBing is how you make your living, keep life in perspective. Stress has never solved any problem but has negatively impacted everyone's lives. Don't let working out add to it.
kinda on the same topic as this post so i'll hijack it a bit..

my wife and i travel a lot to visit our families since hers is about 3 hours west and mine is about 2 hours east so we spend many weekends away.. my every other day routine does not like this since whenever we do go it makes me have to wait an extra day to train again.. if my exercise day is a friday, its really no problem as i may be able to exercise on sunday when i get back, otherwise it will be monday.. my question is that if my exercise day is a thurs for that week, should i go again on friday or wait until sun possibly monday for my next day?? probably happens once a month or so..