Traps Lagging

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dilsie
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Hey, this is my first post, but I have been doing a lot of research lately on here, and have decided to start my HST program after New Year's, on which I will be doing my 10 days of SD.  Anyways, I am 6'1" 188lbs with about 10% bf.  I have always been pretty lean, and lately I have got my diet in check and put on about 15 lbs since the summer, with minimal fat gain.  
My question is that my traps are extremely lagging.  So much so that they make me appear much more thin that I really am.  I was wonering how I can tweak my HST program to compensate for them?  Or is it just my genetics and it is a lost cause?
I was already planning on doing DB shrugs and possibly upright rows for them.
Any other suggestions?  Should I add more excersizes for them or not?
I don't work my traps.
Principal reason is I want to develop my delts and upper back.  I don't want to develop super strong traps and then have those muscles over-ride the delts (especially the back delts) in my workouts.
Traps are not difficult to develop so I suggest putting them off for awhile, especially when you're just starting out.
Heck, I remember in one cycle I was doing a bunch of heavy dumbbell exercises.  I was developing my lats & traps just picking up and putting the db back in the racks.  LOL
DB shrugs are probably sufficient. Are you doing deadlifts in your routine already? I do deads and was doing shrugs, but my traps were growing too fast so I quit doing shrugs.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Totentanz @ Dec. 01 2005,8:26)]DB shrugs are probably sufficient.  Are you doing deadlifts in your routine already?  I do deads and was doing shrugs, but my traps were growing too fast so I quit doing shrugs.
No, I do not have deadlifts planned for my HST cycle. I wish my traps grew like yours do, my don't grow at all, I think it is just genetics.

Welcome to HST! :D

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]No, I do not have deadlifts planned for my HST cycle.

Well then I suggest you add them as it is pretty much an essential exercise, even though most of us would tend to agree that it was invented by the DEVIL himself

If you just do a shrugh at the alst part of the movement with the deadlift bar, you'll get your traps mate :D

If this does not grow your traps, then add a set of shrugs each day, it is that simple, and don't worry too much about that either, delts are much better looking IMO, don't let your traps grow like Brok Lesner's does not look cool
What everyone else has said covers it.

I will add I did upright rows combined with shrugs for one years straight and BOOM! it did wonders!

But I also noticed that they overpowered by shoulder developement, like somone else just said.
I used to do dumbbell shrugs but dropped 'em because my traps gained great on deads alone. However, mine have always been very responsive, so what worked for me won't necessarily work for you.

In any case, you definitely should consider adding some variety of deadlift to your routine. They're too productive to leave out. See how your traps respond to them during your first cycle and tweak your exercise choices accordingly. If they're still lagging, then add shrugs.
I don't want you guys to think I am blowing you off, because I am not. I just really don't want to add deadlifts to my routine. First off, because I don't know how to do them and I don't want to hurt myself, since I have a bad back anyways. And secondly, I am really not one for the powerlifting exercises. I really appreciate the feedback, and I guess I will just stick to upright rows and shrugs for the cycle, and hopefully changing my routing to HST and hitting my traps 3X a week while addding weight will do the tricks. Thanks again, and if anyone else has comment, they are welcome.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dilsie @ Dec. 02 2005,1:34)]I don't want you guys to think I am blowing you off, because I am not.  I just really don't want to add deadlifts to my routine.  First off, because I don't know how to do them and I don't want to hurt myself, since I have a bad back anyways.  And secondly, I am really not one for the powerlifting exercises.  I really appreciate the feedback, and I guess I will just stick to upright rows and shrugs for the cycle, and hopefully changing my routing to HST and hitting my traps 3X a week while addding weight will do the tricks.  Thanks again, and if anyone else has comment, they are welcome.
I am like you and don't do deads. Simple shrugs are more than enough. Let the weight hang all the way down and squeeze all the way up with a hold at the top and they will grow. Also try hitting them from the rear, i use cables for this, works nicely! Try seated shrugs to really help you not cheat with swinging at all. This is also great for your spine.....

If you really want to know how to do it, here you go:

Bar Bell Deadlift

[b said:
Quote[/b] ] And secondly, I am really not one for the powerlifting exercises.

I also thought I was not but the deadlift is a serious muscle builder, back, legs arms and traps, just about the whole body in one hell of a go, that is why we recommend it.

You welcome though
It is your choice after all, but man...give it a bash just to try!
I've had recurring back trouble for more years than I care to add up--sometimes seriously debilitating trouble. However, I haven't hurt myself since starting HST, and I think that's at least partly because by applying HST principles I spend a fair amount of time using sub-max weights. It's also because now I stop immediately when something feels wrong.

So yeah: the keys to not injuring yourself are using excellent form and not making my old mistake of constantly cranking away with max weights. If you don't do some form of deads (or squats! are you doing those?), you're robbing yourself of serious muscular gains. Start light and be scrupulous about good form, but at least try to give one or both of those exercises a shot. It's extremely worth it.
Deadlifts alone are sufficent for traps, in my opinion, but if you aren't comfortable with them, shrugs should work well enough. You should probably be able to shrug a ton of weight anyway, so they will probably spark some good growth.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dilsie @ Dec. 01 2005,5:42)]My question is that my traps are extremely lagging.  So much so that they make me appear much more thin that I really am.  I was wonering how I can tweak my HST program to compensate for them?  Or is it just my genetics and it is a lost cause?
Assuming you are talking upper traps, then what the other guys have said.

Mid and lower traps respond well to rowing motions, the closer to the chin the more the mid and even upper traps are recruited.

Upper, mid or lower, work them in the same fashion as any other muscle group. If you notice they don't respond well (which I doubt they are quite easily built) then up the volume on them.
Deadlifts, high pulls, explosive shrugs for upper traps.

BB/DB/T-Bar rows for middle and lower.

Eat lots :)
I really appreciate all the help guys. Hopefully HST itself will do the trick.