TRIBESTAN-only helps in case of low testosterone?


New Member
I`m 24 , so I guess that my testosterone level should be fine.
If that`s a case, can I get something form TRIBESTAn or is it more, like, waste of money? I dont use steroids.
Some studies reports that many tribulus products arent containing enough active ingridients , and many builders recommend TRIBESTAN from SOPHARMA - Bulgaria (now available in USA also). So plase, reply about "strong enough" products. Plase, help me made my decision!
Dear Vladimir,

Tribulus terrestis is practically useless. It is true that it increases testosterone levels but the increase in testosterone still is within physiological limits. For freaky, drug-like muscle-growth you'd need supraphysiological doses which just will not happen with tribulus.

At the same time there is a disproportionate increase in estradiol. The net result? A net feminizing hormonal environment.

Don't waste your money on tribulus. You are better off without it.

Godspeed, and happy HSTing :)