
New Member
Hi Guys just ws reading this month's Issue of Mens Health (which by the way seems to be leaning more and more toward advocating HST Principles lately) and I came upon an article which seemed to be very HST freindly otherwise but in addition the writer mentioned something to the effect that the optimum TUL (Time Under Load) for a muscle to induce growth is 90 - 120 seconds)

I believe the Writer was Alan Cosgrove? I will confirm when I get home later...

ANyway, what I understand from what he was saying, is that new research suggests that say we were doing 1 exercise for chest - (lets say Bench) and t takes us 4 seconds to do one rep we would have to do (100/4=25) approximately 25 reps in total regardless of how many sets it takes to induce the optimal hypertrophic response

What are your takes on that 90 - 120 seconds TUL guys?
So what, 120 is optimum and once you pass that your gains are going down? Seems unlikely. Im sure theres a minumum TUL but im not sure theres an optimum. If you want a rep number, since some of the experienced guys settle for 15 reps all the way through the cycle. Maybe 15-20 reps per exercise is enough TUL?
25 reps per week? Like in HIT with a "chest day"? Doing 3 reps of 5 I do 45 reps per week. I would be currious what the frequency is. I always have to remind myself that with HST frequency I am actaully doing more than I think I am.

B o b
I feel like I am at the peak of the most knowledge I have ever know when it comes to training...therefor I feel like I am more damn confused than ever at times.

too much knowledge seems to cluster it up for me?

I too just had a similar question...Am I doing enough, am I doing to much? I am a conditioned lifter at 12 yrs in the game?....or am I?

I have been basically skipping 15's for a while and doing 4 sets for chest back 3 for shoulders and legs.

Wether its 10 reps or 5 reps.

so this would put me doing 40 reps were workout for say chest or 120 reps per week during 10's and 20 reps per workout with 5's as 60 reps per week.

I must be way off with this???
(Bob Evans @ May 03 2006,15:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">25 reps per week? Like in HIT with a &quot;chest day&quot;? Doing 3 reps of 5 I do 45 reps per week. I would be currious what the frequency is. I always have to remind myself that with HST frequency I am actaully doing more than I think I am.

B o b</div>
Hey Bob

sorry I wasn't specific enough

I was refering to 90 - 120 seconds TUL per workout session, not per week so that would be 90-120 for each bodypart for a regular HST style routine (3 or more times a week)
I just tried it (got my wife to time me) and Damn it pumped me up Big time!

on the 15s now though

found the workout took a little longer than usual though and I was a little gassed and couldn't complete a ful body routine
I was just looking back at Bryans Vanilla HST routine example.

He calls for 3 sets Per muscle group with the exception being Back at 4 sets.

So this puts a total volume of 30 reps per workout per group.

So maybe by me doing 4 sets per workout that is not too much??? I mean vanilla HSt is just 1 set short of this and this is a one size fits all.

I have been lifting for 12 yrs so I would think the extra set per muscle group wouldn't be too much?...but maybe it is?...I will have to expierement I guess?
Generally this is a personal thing, but to keep constant volume throughout the program, you'd do 1 set for 15's, 2 for 10's and 3 or even 4 for 5's.

Most of us go with 3 but 4 is also fine!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I was just looking back at Bryans Vanilla HST routine example.

He calls for 3 sets Per muscle group with the exception being Back at 4 sets.</div>

Is bryan a component of the 1,2 then 3 set cycle?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The number of Sets is determined by the minimum effective volume (this changes over time according to current load and Conditioning status.)</div>

This should explain some of Bryan's attitude in this matter.

However it makes sense to try and keep a constant volume throughout the cycle, whilst the progression takes place, but again that is a matter of choice.
good question, i was gonna ask the same thing.  good article by the way.

edit: what do you guys think of the 5 lift full body routine they included?
What is it?

close grip underarm pull up
underarm bent over row
military press

wide grip pull ups
overarm bent over row
incline bench

Nice routine style
Hey Fausto!

Sorry I guess I didn't even elaborate

After much thougth I agree that volume should stay somewhat constant. I have looked at several Full body routines for strength and hypertrophy and sort of borrowed the best tips from all the routines, and then placed them inside HST Principals. This I feel after a long debate with myself will help me insure great growth and no overtraining will keeping frequency high at three sometimes 4 days a week.

The method of reps I am using is what has been called the 24 method. I am modifying it really by saying all of my hst routines will fall into this rep range of 24 to 30 reps per workout...no higher, or lower.

its my way of judging work, overtraining, progression with load as well as enough constant volume and TUT.

So for example were I have been doing 1 size fits all routine for HST with 4 sets...which looking back is not good, I will change to this way of setting up my routines.

Nothing changes except for sets per reps.

However there are times during the week when i can go to the gym on back to back days and this is were my new method will ensure extra work without overtraining &quot;I HOPE&quot;

I know if you keep hst volume low enough you can train supposedly everyday...however I just dont think that is pratical or the best way for gains. However I do feel it is good for hypertrophy when plained out correctly.

Did I just agree and disagree with myself there?

What I mean is if you are the guy who can monitor sleep, nutrition, supplementation and exact accuracy then the highest frequency of HST would be ideal.

However in a real world scenario with career and family life I can't monitor this as close as i would like.

Therefor I fear overtraining or undertraining....hence this is were the 24 method will give me some freedom.

For example in the 15's for HST I will do one set of 15 reps for which that is all HST really calls for and then I may do a 2nd set with say 12 rep...of course not failure. Hence a total rep of 27 staying within my 24 to 30 guideline...this is done with 2 sets.

For 10's I will do 3 sets...possible 2 sets of 10 reps then for 3rd set I will maybe go a little heavier...not much and stop at 8 reps....totaling 3 sets for total of 28 reps...again within the guidleines.

For 5's or for me 6's I will do 4 sets of 6 reps..totaling 24 reps.

So not much really changes however...it helps me keep my sets in control....but this is were it gets interesting and fun for me.

Normally my hst cycle looks like this Monday, WEdnesday...then Saturaday...and I have sunday to workout on but I dont because i just hit it hard on SAturday...well following these guidelines...what I will do now is come to gym on Sunday and workout HST style however it will be with a circuit &quot;this is for cutting since its summer&quot;

So for example say saturday I do 4 sets of 6 reps totaling 24 reps...well sunday I will pick say my 15 rep max and do 2 sets of 12 reps with it equaling 24 reps...i will do this is a circuit fashion to keep heart rate up for cutting.

During winter time I would just do a standard 1 minute break between sets.

Hope this helps you understand were I am going with this!