Hey Joe...darn i'm starting to sound like Jimmy Hendrix

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I know if you keep hst volume low enough you can train supposedly everyday...however I just dont think that is pratical or the best way for gains. However I do feel it is good for hypertrophy when plained out correctly.

Did I just agree and disagree with myself there?

Quite I'd say!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What I mean is if you are the guy who can monitor sleep, nutrition, supplementation and exact accuracy then the highest frequency of HST would be ideal.</div>

hu...hum, agreed! Many of us, can't keep all of those essential bits and then wonder what happened?

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So not much really changes however...it helps me keep my sets in control....but this is were it gets interesting and fun for me.</div>

 I like the concept, sounds safe and as you pointed out...within the guidelines.
Yeah I definatly am going to stay as true to principals as possible.

The main thing for this unorthodoxed style is...I make sure every other workout I increase my weight my 2 to 5 % and I keep frequency at 3 days a week.

this along with eating and SD when I need to should do the trick!
joe this looks good! but one question i have :

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">For 5's or for me 6's I will do 4 sets of 6 reps..totaling 24 reps.</div>

when it is the day when you should for example benchpress your 6RM, i think you cant benchpress your 6RM weight in 4 sets.
so are you going then to cluster your reps? that you reach your minimum 24reps ??
(like 6/6/6/3/3 reps) ?
choco if I were you yes that is what I would do.

The reason I never go below 6 reps is due to injury.

I really do not feel comfortable lifting weight that only lets me only get 5 or less reps. I got hurt lifting heavy weights, tore a muscle.

But if you are healthy hey cluste it.

One of the best routines for growth is 10 sets of 3...but it heavy as hell...and well I dont feel comfortable...its adequate volume with heavy weights...but before my injury in my younger days I would of loved to try that!