tweaking hst


New Member
if you add a set of 15s during the 5s to increase metabolic stress:

do you use a 15s weight that is easily doable or do you hit failue / close ot it by the end of the set?

do you increase weight also? or do you keep it the same just to create some burn? you could also start with a low 15s weight and end with 15rm by the end of 5s?

what do you think?
Personally, I use a weight fairly close to my 15RM, perhaps an increment or two away from it, and just rep until I get a sufficient burn. Sometimes I come close to failure. Once in a while I hit failure. Often I have to hit at least 20 reps to get a good burn.

I don't think progression for the burn sets will do anything to help hypertrophy, since RBE makes those weights pretty much useless anyway, except with regards to achieving a burn.
I don't think progression from burn sets provide hypertrophy. I stay pretty close to my 15RM for a burn set during my 5s. Now, with some of Jules' help, I've learned that i can stay pretty far away from CNS fatigue from burn sets by pulsing stretch excercises for 15-20 reps as burn sets. This would also mean, there'd be a little more excercises to do, but i like it. It makes for a reallly big pump at the end.

metabolic stress = just feel the burn, progression might not provide more burn persay. Because of RBE and all that stuff, it won't do anymore hypertrophy i don't think. if you don't feel like the load is giving enough burn, just aim for greater range of motion/slow down the cadence/pulse stretch/ do more reps.

Yeah, it also helps sometimes to use other exercises for the burn instead of your primary. For instance with bench press, it is difficult to get a good burn after a few sets of 5, so I use a dumbbell press with a better stretch and range of motion - got that idea from a post Dan made a while back and it works great.
When you put in 15rep burn set in an exercise, how many sets would you do on chest?

My chest in 5 rep is as follow:
3 set Bench
2 set Bench Inchline

Can i just include a Pec Dec or Flyes after these sets, or should i drop one of them?

You would be better off alternating the two benches and putting in the burn set after each one, either flyes or pec-decks!

Agreed everyone, I have been doing this last cycle and it worked well.

Only tried it for chest then, but now due to injury maintenance I am planning to use the 15's weight right thorugh for my bi's, just to see if I can get me elbow right.

Yesterday, with a very light weight (15 Kg) I did two sets of 30, in a 21 kind of fashion and the pain is not really there (elbow :D I mean!).

For those who do not know what is a 21

A burn set performed 7 x 3 (I really just did 10 x 3.)
First 7 are full reps, second 7 are half up and the last half down - (yoohoo burns like hell)

I believe it will help to flush my elbow with the necessary lactic acid to help the healing proccess.
Hey guys :)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]You would be better off alternating the two benches

Errr... I hate saying this, but... not necessarily. In fact, if flat bench and incline bench are your only chest exercises, it would do you little good to alternate them. If you alternate them, you would have to do around 4 sets of each exercise each workout to get a decent number of set for your chest in a week. I mean, large muscle groups are usually given two exercises in a workout. If you alternate the flat bench and incline bench simply because they are both benches, then that would be like getting only half the sets you should for your chest in a week, again unless you do 4 sets for each.

An exception to this is if your chest really doesn't need two exercises. Let's talk about it by number of sets. You choose two exercises, you do 2 sets each. In a week, that's a total of 12 sets. If you alternate them, you only get 6 sets a week. If 6 sets a week is all you need, then that's perfectly ok. If not, then you'd have to do 4 sets of each, just to make it a total of 12 sets for your chest a week.

Make sense?

I agree on the burn sets. After the bench, do metabollic work on db flys instead of lighter bench. That's what I almost always do, but only because I can never do flys higher than my 10RM because of a shoulder injury before. It always starts acting up when my flys get heavy. So I can do 10 reps, no problem. But I increase that by 5 pounds more to try to get closer to my 5RM, and BAM! My right shoulder starts to "feel" the old injury getting up again. So I just use the flys for metabollic work.

jvroig, it makes sense :o)

I think I'll stick with 2 bench(not 3), 2 Inchline bench and 1 burn set each exercise. Then i will end up with 12 main sets and 3 burn sets in a week.

I think maybe i would alternate them using a AM/PM program.


Thanks for the tip, I don't mind being wrong. :D

I keep thinking the bench ain't such a good chest hitter (only about 80 - 90% according to EMG charts) :mad: But what is better than it as a coumpound for th eupper body specifically the shoulder cage, not much I guess, not much

Anyway, due to your advice I chnaged my routine on bench to include a 15 and a 45 degree bench for 2 sets each. I was only doing the 45 degree twice (Hey - still on 15's)

Will be doing it right thorugh 2 sets each.

Is this because of the need for volume to hit the chest enough? Because I throw in some peck decks at the 5's and later, should I discard them?
Hey Fausto :)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Thanks for the tip, I don't mind being wrong.

No, wait, I'm not saying you are wrong. It depends on purpose. If your chest needs, for example, only 6 sets, then you should setup your routine so that you get 6 sets for it every week. If your target is 12 sets a week, then your routine should be such that it gets 12 sets in a week. It's not the other way around, wherein you draw up a routine without taking into account how many total sets you want to be doing.

So if you only need 6 good sets and by experience you know that's all you need, then you don't have to force yourself to add a few more sets.

And the issue isn't just about the benchpress. It's for whatever execises you have chosen. I believe by far a better combination would have been dips and incline bench. But since the routine didn't have dips, and instead had flat bench, and because it seemed the target was 12 sets, advising to alternate the two benches would mean getting only half of the target sets, unless you do 4 sets for each exercise.

You can stick to your routine, Fausto, no problem. It's all about your target. If your target is 6 good sets or something like that, and you grow great using that, then no need to change anything.

Again, the point is your target sets for each bodypart or muscle group. Setup the routine to achieve those target number of sets.

Regards :)

I think I could do with the extra sets, no really I mean that, Its just that I believe I could add some.

There is never enough for the chest, It will take a while for me to be happy with it.

My partner obviously disagrees, but that is besides the point
I'm starting on my 5 rep today
Can't wait to feel the burn after 15 rep tweak set :-)

Just one questions; Do you use a tweak set every training, or just once a while?

I mainly use it as an extra for lagging body parts.

I add tweaks at the 5's but not for every program, then again it is a matter of choice.

Personally,if you keep on doing this for every cycle it might loose its effectiveness.
Sometimes I just do my burn sets on my non-lifting days. I think they work just as well on those days as they do when you perform them immediately after your routine. And it keeps my motivation up.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Totentanz @ Aug. 22 2005,8:09)]got that idea from a post Dan made a while back and it works great.
Glad I could help.

Sorry for interfering with this but I've noticed about 3 threads going on at the same time revolving around metabolic work. So to throw my hat in the arena let me just say.

Metabolic work becomes more important with the length of time in which you are working heavy. So if extending your 5's for additional weeks I suggest adding in some metabolic work.

I agree with Totentanz that it probably isn't needed for every muscle group worked every workout but once or twice a week surely isn't going to hurt. So his idea of going high rep once or twice a week on non-training days would be a good idea, or even stagger the high rep stuff for differing muscle groups throughout the week.

Just my thoughts :)