ur best middle back exercise?


New Member
im doing the seated cable row and seems like its working out more my lats than my middle back itself.. would it be better to go with the T-bar Row instead? or any other u might be doing..
Listen to Aaron

That is the way for a thick back, heaps of rows and as heavy as possible, these muscles are like the legs, they need heay weights!
Sure, train heavy, but don't forget to focus on getting a full contraction when doing rowing exercises.

In my experience, rows are one of the exercise types where strict form and really contracting makes a world of difference. I see people loading on to much weight and "bouncing" the bar (if it comes up that high) to the upper body (either with a rounded back or standing up straight - kind of a deadlift-b/o row hybrid) all the time...

Oh yeah, the question :) : strictly performed heavy b/o rows.

/ R
Heavy bent-over rows, either barbell or dumbbell. I'd choose those over cable rows any day.
I get a a good response from cable rows in my middle back, but my upper body is around 50 - 70 degrees, rather than 90 degrees. I squeeze the middle back and hold at the top of the move. This hits that spot right between my lower shoulder blades hard. If I do 'em with my torso at 90 degrees it hits lats more.