Volume During a Cut

 Let me add my .02 here.

 I've been preparing for a BB competition and basically been doing 2 sets of the 5's (pretty much the same weight I had been using. Tried to go up a bit, but could only do that at the beginning. This last two weeks I've had to drop about 10lbs from each one). The contest is this weekend, so I'm pretty well worn!

 Just the basic lifts without iso's. My aim was to keep as much mass as possible and relying on cardio (45 mins on a Stairmaster 3 days a week) and diet to burn fat.

 This has worked very well for me. I've dropped about 20lbs of the ugly stuff and retained the good (over approx 8 weeks)!

 Very little muscle loss even with a fairly restrictive diet.
(faz @ Aug. 06 2007,09:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Lol @ Aug. 03 2007,17:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">One thing no one has mentioned so far is that it may be that you are slightly more likely to sustain a minor injury while on a cut. It was certainly my experience; I got a lot of niggling problems while cutting that I had been free from while bulking. Even if it is just a hunch, it does make a bit of sense, so erring on the side of slightly lower volume while cutting might reduce the chance of this.</div>
i agree LOL i think it might have something to do with being on lower carbs.</div>
Good point LOL , as I understand it some fat around the joints acts as somewhat of a cushion . Not sure if this has held up to recent scrutiny - but this is what we believed before the internet and all the myriad scientific studies.

While cutting I would sacrifice (in order):

Volume (each movement)
number of exersizes
frequency (dropping from 3x to 2x/wk)
(RUSS @ Aug. 06 2007,16:03)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">While cutting I would sacrifice (in order):

Volume (each movement)
number of exersizes
frequency (dropping from 3x to 2x/wk)
I agree.
Im on cut and do only 2 reps for each body part (not including the 3 wormup sets) And didnt lose even 1 gram of muscle.