volume split through 7 days

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ok guys, been a pretty long time since ive had a chance to be on here any. im gonna try to make this as simple as i can so everyone can understand my poor writing skills. never was good in english class. so here it goes.
bench press 3 days a week (changed)
bench press 7 days a week.
total reps for 3 days a week-75. (changed)
total reps for 7 days a week-75.

now what im wondering about is can i take the 75 reps that i do for 3 days a week and still use only the same number of reps for 7 days a week???

dont get me wrong. its still a total body workout not just chest for 1 exercise
... I would be doing this for all exercises. reason being is by the time i get to a total of for example 25 reps for each exercise of my workout i feel that my cns is so drained i could give up. i can do it for awhile but in a couple of weeks im so physically and mentally drained that i cant hardly do ANYTHING. i work 100 plus hours a week landscaping and mowing is why such an easy workout kills me. all my work is very strenuous, running,lifting,jerking,pulling and breathing heavy all day long 7 days a week. 16-18 hour days. 6 years ago i was 19 and worked about 50 hours a week at the most. i could train for 2 hours 20 or more sets for each body-part to dead failure 6 days a week not eat right or sleep right all the time and could still recover enough to do other things and still grow.
now if i do almost anything more than work it literally feels like i could just sit down and cry my brains out. i get so tired its beyond human mental or physical stamina or strength to work hard and steady throughout the day. i just never get a break.
so the reason im asking about splitting it up this way is because i bieleve it will make it easier for me considering what i already do.
i know that probably the best thing to do would be add volume but im not able to cut back my hours because im the owner and i cant drop my buisness or part of it just cuz i wanna lift weights

to cut back on such a huge workout and make it the most effective without too much work im using all compounds and extremely few isolations. and if i feel like it ill add volume. i havent tried the routine ive planned cuz i wanted to ask you guys first if it would work. thank you all so much for your help!!!!!!  

I'd suggest you go and pick one of the workouts at simplify and win, to me you are doing way too much reps, it'dbeok ifyou do it over 7 days...but you are forgetting one crucial aspect...rest...even concerning your business...you should rest the 7th day...you'll seethat youwill flourish like that!

Man wasn't made to work round the clock like that!
what i meant to say was 75 reps total spread out over 7 days. not 75 reps a day 7 days a week. thanks for your response.
bench press slight incline
seated or standing barbell  presses
bent over rows
barbell rows
most of the time some incline curls and a tricep exercise.
no leg work. if i did i wouldnt be able to walk a few miles everyday.

all exercises are done without failure but close to it. clustering as much as i can till i reach 25 reps on each exercise. im on my first cycle of aas. I would love to have the time to do everything right for my first cycle but i cant. thank you so much for your replies fausto!

I am a big fan of leg work and you should include it, even if it is just 2x/week squats and nothing else, just don't do it with all the clustering!

aas? I'm no expert with that, so maybe you need to ask others here, I believe that the clustering work would be in line with it...surprisingly you're complaining of being tired! I think that even though you're on AAS you still need to put in some quality rest, if you working 7 days per week you will burn out

Rack pulls sounds like the 1/2 deadlift off the racks, right? If it is this really consumes a lot of energy and maybe a culprit in making you tired but I will again emphasize rest properly, rather than cutting it out!

We are getting there, now how about posting your schedule? Or is it basically everything 25 reps clustered? This is obviously not HST, maybe just the progression part of it!

Lets see!
yes your right about the rack pulls. cant do leg work cuz i stay on my legs 16-18 hours a day. all exercises are 25 reps. i always use 5-10 lbs more each workout 3 times a week. im training with heavier weights longer than you would start out with at the beginning of each 2-week cycle. my "sets" start out with 12 reps at the beginning of the cycle then i add weight every workout or every other time to avoid the rbe effect. then when ever i cant get 12 reps with a weight i then cluster sets until i reach my target reps=25.

what im wondering is if the muscle will still grow if i cut the volume in half and workout 6 days a week instead of 3. by the end of the week i would have still done the same amount of work. just makes it easier on my cns. i only sleep 3-4 hours a night. theres about 2 months out of the year that im not working 100 hours or more.

Im lifting at home cuz going to the gym is impossible with my schedule. if i do the complete workout in 1 session then i swear it feels like i can physically and mentally feel my cns drained to the max. burned out is what my life always feels like anyway so im not worried about it
..... its kinda a cross between hst and max-stim and adjusted to fit my situation without killing over dead but still using pretty much all the hst principles. i know its murder on my cns to train closer to my maxes all the time instead of the traditional hst program. but im trying to get all out of the aas that i can while on cycle and im always able to progress the weights each workout because of the aas coupled with the clustered reps to meet my volume.

hope this post wasnt to confusing
my aas cycle
d-bol kick start for 5 weeks 40 mgs- 10 mgs for 4 doses a day.
test cypionate 500 mg a week
trenbolone enanthate 400 mg a week
deca durabolin 500 a week
hcg 250iu,s twice a week

all doseages are split in half and injected twice a week except for the hcg to keep the blood levels more even.
nolvadex clomid for pct and dostinex on cycle for the possible prolactin issues from the high dose of the 2 different nandrolones. (deca and trenbolone)

I hate to disappoint you...but with the little sleep you getting, all the overwork and still trying to gym on top of it for 6 days, regardless of the fact that you are splittintg the work over 6 instead of 3 days, you are heading for disater, your cns will be very very close to burnout, and give or take a few years your "ticker" or some other organ is going to "pack-up" on you.

Not wanting to sound like the prophet of doom, but really, your body can only take so much punishment, taking aas is only adding fuel to the fire as it fools you regarding your actual tiredness!

One of the main requirements of weight training is resting, as that is when your muscles actually grow. If I were you, I'd rather stick to 3 days/week and try to rest at least 7 hours p/day, if you do, you'll have quick results!

Sorry to be so blunt but we like to be factual here and I personally hate to see people wasting themselves and their potential!
ok thanks fausto. but i would still be curious to know if a person would grow as much splitting the volume up like that.?

i know people split workouts into am and pm but if you eat right and slept plenty and had a desk job and the toughest thing you had to do everyday was push a pencil around then would the muscles get as much stimulation to grow as if you done the entire workout in one session as opposed to splitting it exactly in half and doing it in 2 days. instead of doing a full workout on monday. cut it in half and do it on monday and tuesday.

keep in mind that the load ALWAYS increases and even though the volume is cut in half, every exercise is still very fatiguing to the muscles. i would imagine if it were done the traditional way where your training within the rep ranges at times at nowhere near failure then it wouldnt be worth much if any at all.

from what i understand theres probably no use in hoping there will be a summation effect right?

Yes, splitting the volume up, would give you the additional required rest whilst still using the progress principle and constant load, turn the page, we're going to get a little technical:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">mechanical stress. This stress causes microtrauma, which leads to muscle growth. The Progression Principle states that the mechanical loading of our muscles must be increased, or progressed in a steady manner.

In essence, since the body prefers homeostasis, a particular loading of the muscles becomes decreasingly effective at stimulating an adaptive response.

To keep this adaptive process moving forward (i.e., continued muscular hypertrophy), we must continue increasing the weights that we use throughout our training cycles.</div>

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The Frequency Principle states that we should carry out our training so as to create an environment of chronic loading. This calls for training the whole body several times each week.

No doubt, full-body workouts are time consuming! At the same time, your workouts shouldn’t take longer than between 45-60 minutes. This doesn’t mean that you’re ruined if your workout goes over 60 minutes; it’s just best to keep things generally under an hour.

Clearly, training the whole body in 60 minutes or less offers a time constraint—especially when the gym is crowded! To combat this problem, focus your training on
mostly compound exercises that work a large number of muscles at the same time. Of course, you can use some isolation exercises, but they really shouldn’t be the
cornerstone of your training.</div>

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">keep in mind that the load ALWAYS increases and even though the volume is cut in half, every exercise is still very fatiguing to the muscles. i would imagine if it were done the traditional way where your training within the rep ranges at times at nowhere near failure then it wouldnt be worth much if any at all.</div>

Yes, if you keep it nowhere near failure at all times, no, if you get closer to failure!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">From what i understand theres probably no use in hoping there will be a summation effect right? </div>

Well, you very close to the red line, if you can manage, running your engine at 80% or so maybe then yes, sound fair?
your the man fausto! thank you so much. NOW.... if i only had a pencil and a regular life.....
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">NOW.... if i only had a pencil and a regular life..... lol

You're just going to have to find a win...win situation, at least now you'll know the reason why you won't get ideal results.

Compromise one of the two, make sure your goals are the ideal goals for you, and aim for the target.

(Firing Squad) - Cock your guns...Aim...Shoot
just found out at the docs today i have mono again. im screwed BIG TIME NOW
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">just found out at the docs today i have mono again.</div>

What's mono? I'm lost!
its a sickness you get extremely weak. google it i guess. last time i had it i was incline pressing 275 for 3 sets of 6-8 reps. a week later my spotter assisted me off the rack and when i let the bar half way down with 185lbs on it it basically fell to my chest and i couldnt lift it back up at all. you get light headed dizzy and cant hardly work if its real bad. usually stays around for about 3-6 weeks for most people but i had it for 6 months first time i had it. your spleen can become inflamed or swollen and sometimes youll have sharp pains real bad and cant lift nothin heavy. sometimes cant twist around to get out of the car even. they say if you strain on anything or get hit then its real easy to bust your spleen. this time they give me prednisone antibiotic and the first dose is amazing. i feel 10 times better right now so far and my appetite is like a starved gargantuan neanderthal.
so im gonna try to continue out the rest of the cycle. arms have went from 16 1/2 cold to 18 inches cold so far. very little water retention too. and im only about halfway through my cycle so far. when i finish i shouldnt be above my genetic size so i hope to keep my gains atleast maintained through the summer then hit it hard again next winter. thanks fausto your great bud
fergie...my man.

Take some rest and you will be fine...believe me! Still beats me, what is the disease called mono...what?
mononucleosis (epstein barr virus)

[edit] Infectious mononucleosis
Epstein-Barr can cause infectious mononucleosis, also known as 'glandular fever', 'Mono' and 'Pfeiffer's disease'. Infectious mononucleosis is caused when a person is first exposed to the virus during or after adolescence. Though once deemed &quot;The Kissing Disease,&quot; recent research has shown that transmission of Mono not only occurs from exchanging saliva, but also from contact with the airborne virus.[citation needed] It is predominantly found in the developing world, and most children in the developing world are found to have already been infected by around 18 months of age. EBV antibody tests turn up almost universally positive. In the United States roughly half of five-year-olds have been infected,[13].
Fergie man...

You have just taught a microbiologist something about his own world, thanks!

Never came across it...a virus hey? I am sure though there are ways to beat it!
pretty much just treat the symptoms and let it run its course i guess. theres no cure for it yet.
i thought that alot of people were trying to reach 15-25 reps on alot of exercises each workout now?? trying to keep the volume pretty much the same as long as they could still perform the workout in progression within the correct time frame,36-48hrs....?
since 25 is too many then if i cut back to 15 or so then i wont grow quite as much because the muscle is already conditioned to the high volume right?

the way i understand it to be is you can drop the reps a little bit when you reach the heavier weights like the 2nd week of 5,s.... but seems in my case im already there all the time cuz the way i set up the weight proggression in the cycle? the tegious adjustment sounds scary cuz of losing the strongest growth response plus trying to make the most out of my aas cycle