weight problems


New Member
yesterday i went to the gym to find my 15rm's. when i put them in the calculator, some exercises calculated confusing results. an example was this:

BB Press:

15rm is 17kg.
there will be a 5 kg increase each workout, so the calcuater resulted in:

work out 1: 8 reps
work out 2: 3 reps
workout 3: 2 reps
work out 4: 7 reps
work out 5: 12 reps
workout 6: 17 reps (15rm)

This didnt seem right! it goes from 8 reps first workout, down to 3 on my second? can anywone suggest whats going on?
I don't work well with kilos.

Just convert each of my lb numbers here to kg and use the closest to each one that you've got to work with. (lb to kg is lb/2.2)

15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40.

If you can't get all the reps with a certain weight (eg, you only get 13 reps...take a 30 second break and then get the next 2 reps.

Good luck man.  Remember calculators are just a guide to get you started.  They can't be totally trusted though.  According to the 1RM calculator, I should be able to squat 765 lb for one rep.  In reality, I can get 250 sometimes, sometimes it hurts me.
(vagrant @ Dec. 30 2006,20:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">According to the 1RM calculator, I should be able to squat 765 lb for one rep. In reality, I can get 250 sometimes, sometimes it hurts me.</div>
I'm not sure if you were being funny or not, but it made me laugh.
No, that's actually what a 1RM calculator gave me based on my 250x6.

If I'd tried that I'd have been completely flattened under the floor. Even in a squat suit, knee wraps, briefs, the works, I wouldn't try something like that.
That is a stupid calculator, your 6 rep max. should be approx. 81% of your 1 rep max. So if your 5 rep max is 250, your 1 rep max should be around 308 lb.s, but every individual is slightly different, as are different muscles. I find my legs to be very enduring and can do much more reps at a certain 1rm% load than my upperbody can. My lats are the opposite, I can do heavy loads and then drop the load significantly and still only get a few reps at the lower %. Max-stim works great for my lats since I don't need to do continuous reps.