Active Member
[b said:Quote[/b] ]Don't worry, your maxes are very similar to mine! I'm only 5'6" and had never lifted prior to this HST cycle so as you can guess I'm not particularly strong. Everyone here has given you great recommendations but since I have a strength level almost identical to yours, I can say that for the small muscle groups that you use low weights on, it is great to repeat the weight twice.
Yeah, but Scooper, you'd probably get better gains than Chickenmonkey (I'm assuming Chickenmonkey has lifted weights before HST - am I right, Chickenmonkey?), since you are quite bascially a previously untrained person, and even if you don't use HST, you can end up seeing amazing gains. That's what happened to me, except of course that the plateau kinda, err, stinks, so I had to search for a better understanding of muscles and programs.
But in the long run, really, what counts is you keep at HST, get a good diet and stick with that also, and get enough rest (enough sleep, and less stress).