What do you eat on a daily basis

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Just curious to know what everyones daily diet consist of. Interested in knowing what YOU eat and not what everyone "should" eat ...I need some new ideas. Thanks.
Breakfast-Kashi Go Lean Cereal with milk and Driver or oatmeal with vanilla whey or Primer (depending on what I have) and, Juice mixed with Fiber Supplement, 6 Fish Oil Tabs, Coffee

Lunch-Fat Free Turkey 8 slices or can of tuna, Mixed Veggies (asparugus, broccolli, cauliflower, snap peas), Fat Free Cottage Cheese, Baby Carrots, Unsweetened Apple Sauce

Dinner, depends but I generally eat Meat (mostly chicken breast), Stir fried Veggies in Olive Oil, Rice, Colby Jack Cheese.

Snack, Peanut Butter, whole grain bread (usually 7 grain), milk and 6 more fish oil tabs.

Plus pre and post workout shake on workout days.
Meats: Chicken, 93% Lean Hamburger, Steak(When I can afford it)
Dairy: Low Carb Yogurt, 2% Cottage Cheese, No Fat Cheese
Powder: Whey
Other: Egg Whites, Whole Eggs

Carbs: Oatmeal, WW Bread, WW Tortillas, Broccoli, Raisens, Bananas, Oranges

Fat: Fish Oil, Olive Oil
im a taxi driver so i eat the same thing 6 days a week (dinner changes, but macro nutrients stay the same)
meal 1 pro shake,50g oats, 200g milk,efa,vits,tribulas
meal 2 soya/linseed bread sarnie,50g ham,20g pickle,
meal 3 as above
meal 4 100g chic breast,100g b/rice,100g tomato,seasoning
meal 5 as above
meal 6 pro/carb shake,creatine,strong coffee
meal 7 pro/carb shake,creatine,250g grapefruit juice
meal 8 230g potato,10g olive oil,200g meat,various veg
meal 9 32g walnuts

4 ltrs (ish) water per day, saturday is a cheat day
I eat 5 meals a day; the last one or two being zero carb, depending on whether I'm bulking or cutting up. Other than that, here is what I ate yesterday (right now I'm cutting up):

Breakfast: 2 cups of oats, 1 slice of rye bread (very low GI and high fiber) with low fat soft spread, a small bowl of quark cheese with sugar free juice concentrate and yoghurt, and finally, a tablespoonful of cold pressed rapeseed oil. Total calories around 600.

Lunch: An omelet with 2 eggs, 2 cups of sugarfree yoghurt, 3 slices of rye bread, some lettuce, a couple of carrots and bell peppers if I have them, and a spoonful of olive oil to fry the eggs. Total calories around 550.

Dinner: 100 grams of chicken breast, wok vegetables, 3 slices of home baked whole grain bread with spring onion flavored soft spread (mmm, my favorite!), another couple of carrots, green salad with no dressing, a cup of hot cocoa (with dark cocoa powder, skim milk and an artificial sweetener) and a tablespoonful of cold pressed rapeseed oil. Total calories around 600.

Late night snack: A small cup of quark cheese with the usual yoghurt and juice concentrate, and 2 spoonfuls of rapeseed oil. Total calories around 380.

Before bed: Same as above, 380 calories.

Daily caloric intake: 2500 cals. I'm slowly lowering down to 2200-2300.
Breakfast - 100g oats + 200ml skim milk, 9 egg whites with 3 yolks (scrambled) and an apple or a pear

Early lunch - 200g lean (5%) steak mince (ground beef to you yanks), 200g broccoli, 100g oats + 200ml skim milk, and another apple/pear

~1hr pre-WO - 100g oats + 200ml skim milk mixed with 30g whey

Post-WO - 30g whey, 50g maltodextrin, 5g creatine

Lateish dinner - 200g chicken, 200g green veg (spinach or cabbage), 100g oats + 200ml skim milk, and another apple or pear

Bedtime - can of tuna in water and another apple/pear

I add spices and seasonings as required, drink about 6 pints of water a day and have two enormous craps a day!! :D
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Pauly @ Mar. 16 2005,7:09)]and have two enormous craps a day!!  :D
Glad to hear it, I think
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Pauly @ Mar. 16 2005,8:09)]Breakfast - 100g oats + 200ml skim milk, 9 egg whites with 3 yolks (scrambled) and an apple or a pear
Early lunch - 200g lean (5%) steak mince (ground beef to you yanks), 200g broccoli, 100g oats + 200ml skim milk, and another apple/pear
~1hr pre-WO - 100g oats + 200ml skim milk mixed with 30g whey
Post-WO - 30g whey, 50g maltodextrin, 5g creatine
Lateish dinner - 200g chicken, 200g green veg (spinach or cabbage), 100g oats + 200ml skim milk, and another apple or pear
Bedtime - can of tuna in water and another apple/pear
I add spices and seasonings as required, drink about 6 pints of water a day and have two enormous craps a day!!  :D

Have you found your maintenance intake to be much higher when using HST 6X per week compared to other training methods such as a standard 4 day split?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Plankton @ Mar. 17 2005,6:29)]Pauly,
Have you found your maintenance intake to be much higher when using HST 6X per week compared to other training methods such as a standard 4 day split?
I have been training 6x/week for ages now, and I never used to track diet in anywhere near as much detail previously. Plus my LBM is higher now too, so my maintenance is bound to be higher beacuse of that.

Couldnt really say how much 4x or 6x a week had to do with it sorry!
Meal 1:
3 egg whites, 1 whole
2 slices wheat bread w/ peanut butter
Centrum Multivitamin

Meal 2:
Cold Cuts (Turkey + swiss cheese + lettuce + tomato)
Apple juice
3 Omega 3,6,9 tablets

Meal 3 (Pre W/O):
25g Whey Isolate Protein
5g Creatine w/ grape juice


Meal 4 (Post W/O):
50g Whey Isolate Protein
12oz grape juice/red bull

Meal 5:
Steak / Chicken / Salmon / Tuna
Green Peppers and Onions / Mushrooms
8oz OJ

Meal 6 (snack):
20 Peanut / walnuts / almonds
Ginger ale / water

Meal 7:
8oz Grape juice

Meal 8:
Strawberry / Grape / Orange
Cottage cheese