What is the best way to 'cut' (i.e. lose body fat) but minimise muscle loss?
Okaym, I am assuming you need to eat less (so that there is a calorie deficit), right?
But how much and what sort of training should one do?
- Aerobics? (If so, what intensity? & how long should each training session be?)
- Running?
- Weights?
If you keep doing weights (e.g. HST type training), then (I think I read somewhere that) the body starts taking muscle (i.e. catabolizing) any of your muscles that you didnt manage to train hard enough!
Disaster !
Also, over how many weeks should one be doing one's "cutting" ?
Okaym, I am assuming you need to eat less (so that there is a calorie deficit), right?
But how much and what sort of training should one do?
- Aerobics? (If so, what intensity? & how long should each training session be?)
- Running?
- Weights?
If you keep doing weights (e.g. HST type training), then (I think I read somewhere that) the body starts taking muscle (i.e. catabolizing) any of your muscles that you didnt manage to train hard enough!
Disaster !
Also, over how many weeks should one be doing one's "cutting" ?