What to do with plateau???


New Member
I know with HST one should add weight every workout, but what does one do when one cannot add more weight and still complete number of designated reps?
What rep range are you talking about? If you tested your maxes properly before you began HST, this should not be an issue.

This is why negatives are built into the program exactly to break plateaus.

When doing negatives, you are using essentially 3, 2 or even 1 RM's as you only doing the eccentric part of the movement and the partner helps you do the concentric.

Then after two weeks of this you SD, after which you start the cycle again from 15's.

You need to go and read the FAQ's etc, then you will understand the principles of it.

It will take you much longer if at all to get into a plateau.
So are you having this issue right now then? How many sets are you doing? Did you properly test your maxes before you started? Are you bulking or cutting?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Totentanz @ Jan. 27 2006,9:05)]So are you having this issue right now then? How many sets are you doing? Did you properly test your maxes before you started? Are you bulking or cutting?
yes, right now. I used this calc:


Im not very strong, little muscle mass, high BF (22%) and to top of off I got a fat chest that totaly doesnt look like it should belong to me. Its not gyno, i checked with doc. Just fat. So i cant, or I should say, will NOT be bulking and risk adding more fat and thus getting an even fatter chest. Of this no one can convince me. I also cant just cut, although thats what Im sorta doing right now, because I cant afford to lose the little muscle mass that I have. Im doing 3 sets with isolations and 2 sets with compounds.

Im, 6'1 205 btw. Im doing a 2,000 calories 40-40-20 diet. Might not sound like alot of calories, but ive been doing this for a week now and not lost any weight, although i think i look slimmer.
I agree, you probably don't want to bulk yet. It's best to have a clear goal, cutting or bulking. Though I'm about your height, only about a bit heavier, and I would definitely be cutting on a 2000 calorie a day diet... so, you can probably safely consider what you are doing to be cutting.
It's typical to lose strength and energy during a cut. And 3 sets during the 15s can be really brutal. Given how many calories you are eating and how much work you are doing, I wouldn't be surprised if you were losing strength, not reaching rep quotas, etc.

Are you working out the standard 3 times a week? I'd recommend cutting down to only 1 or 2 sets for all exercises until you finish the 15s. You are probably burning out.
Also, it's only been two weeks or so, so it's too early to tell how close you are to maintenance for calories, but you may want to consider bumping up the calories a bit until you get through the 10s. I'd only go maybe 250 calories higher than you are eating now. That should help you maintain strength at least, so you don't have to worry about missing reps.

What does your routine look like? With only 2000 calories, you should really go with as little work as possible to hit the full body. I'd limit myself to probably 6 different lifts and choose lifts that are as productive as possible, then keep to around 2 sets per movement.
Do you have a specific weight goal? I'd probably try to hit 175-180 somewhere. That should put you just under 10% I believe, I don't have a calculator handy though. Once you hit that weight, it would probably be a good idea to eat around maintenance and coast for a while before you try bulking up again.

Good luck.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Totentanz @ Jan. 27 2006,9
4)]I agree, you probably don't want to bulk yet. It's best to have a clear goal, cutting or bulking. Though I'm about your height, only about a bit heavier, and I would definitely be cutting on a 2000 calorie a day diet... so, you can probably safely consider what you are doing to be cutting.
It's typical to lose strength and energy during a cut. And 3 sets during the 15s can be really brutal. Given how many calories you are eating and how much work you are doing, I wouldn't be surprised if you were losing strength, not reaching rep quotas, etc.
Are you working out the standard 3 times a week? I'd recommend cutting down to only 1 or 2 sets for all exercises until you finish the 15s. You are probably burning out.
Also, it's only been two weeks or so, so it's too early to tell how close you are to maintenance for calories, but you may want to consider bumping up the calories a bit until you get through the 10s. I'd only go maybe 250 calories higher than you are eating now. That should help you maintain strength at least, so you don't have to worry about missing reps.
What does your routine look like? With only 2000 calories, you should really go with as little work as possible to hit the full body. I'd limit myself to probably 6 different lifts and choose lifts that are as productive as possible, then keep to around 2 sets per movement.
Do you have a specific weight goal? I'd probably try to hit 175-180 somewhere. That should put you just under 10% I believe, I don't have a calculator handy though. Once you hit that weight, it would probably be a good idea to eat around maintenance and coast for a while before you try bulking up again.
Good luck.
yes, i actualy do just 6 lifts at the moment. This was todays workout:
Mashine Row: 15x95x3
SL Deads: 15x135x2
Dips: 15x2 w/60lbs assist
Preacher reverse barbel curl: 15x40x3
Side delt Raise: 15x15x3
Dumbel Chest Press: 15x30x3


im not doing squats cause I have naturaly big legs for one, and two my left groin is extremely weak and I dont wanna risk tearing it a third time. Im doing uphill hikes twice per week right now and hopefull this will streangthen my groin.
unrelated, but today I noticed a slight popping/clicking sensation in my left upper forearm when doing reverse curls with slight pain. What could this be? i swear, everything that hurts in on the left side of my body?!!??!