what would be changed in HST if using AAS?


New Member
what changes would be made to an hst program to get the most benefit while on aas?

i am assuming one would workout more often and possibly extend the 10s and 5s since your RM would probably change as the AAS took effect.
increase volume? yes
increase frequency? maybe - but aas won't have an effect on recovery in general
increase weight? NO - cause if youre on pct - your weight will drop back...baaaad thing when weights drop during pct...

eat above maintenance
increase protein intake (as far as i know protein synthesis is higher on aas)
quote" but aas won't have an affect on recovery in general"

On the contrary aas have a great effect on recovery.
I think a lot of this depends on your AAS cycle. Are you going to do a long 12 week long cycle or a short 2 week cycle?

And yeah, AAS definitely INCREASES your recovery ability...
researching a 3 week cycle of superdrol. i had success with m1t and have heard that many prefer superdrol over m1t.

might give it a shot...not sure yet though, gotta read up more.

does bryan have any specific guidelines for changes for when "on"
Can you still get your hands on some Superdrol?

Anyway, if you are going to do a short cycle of anything, I wouldn't bother going further than 2 weeks. After 2 weeks is when most of the worst supression occurs, so if you stick to 2 weeks, you should recover a lot faster.
I think you might have the best success if you take it during the 5s, or possibly on the last week of 5s and first week of post-5s. Increase frequency and volume if you want to, but I don't think it's really that necessary. The important thing is that you keep lifting during PCT which would be optimally 4 weeks after you are off the Superdrol... at least that's what I would do. If you increased frequency while on, drop it back down while off it, but keep your weights the same. You'll probably have to drop your volume a bit too if you were doing a lot more sets.

Don't expect huge miracles from Superdrol - it's not the best mass builder, but I have heard decent results from several people, especially some appreciable strength gains.

Personally, if you are willing to use AAS, I would just go with test instead of Superdrol. Test might even be cheaper, but if Superdrol is all you can get...