When performing your second set reps - trouble on 15s, 10s


New Member
I guess I just have really bad muscle endurance, but when performing the second weeks of 15s or 10s I have a really tough time on my second set hitting the same number of reps as the first set. When doing 5s I can usually hit two sets of 5 just fine, but I seem to fall way short for some reason on the second set when doing 15s and 10s. (Often I can match it on the first couple of days when the new rep range starts out, but afterward the second set falls off pretty fast.)

Should I possibly rest longer between sets? I was rest anywhere from 1min to 2min between sets. Maybe it's not a big deal that I don't hit the second set with the same number of reps as the first?

thanks for any advice
Should I possibly rest longer between sets? I was rest anywhere from 1min to 2min between sets. Maybe it's not a big deal that I don't hit the second set with the same number of reps as the first?
Bingo! Try resting a bit more between sets. And yeah, it's no big deal if you can't finish your second set.
I think this shows that you have your weights set pretty close to ideal. By the second week of a microcycle, the first set after warmups should be very close to failure and may be sufficient to stimulate muscle growth. Unless you take 2-3 minutes rest between sets, the second set should be harder than the first, and I think many times a second set is not necessary.