
New Member
Hi as I said in my first post I just took a week off training after 12 weeks of intense and heavy training(9-12 sets per bodypart,5-8 reps)i was training 4 days a week on a 3 day split

I want to try HST for the first time, but I know first I have to determine my 15sRM max,10sRM max and my 5sRM max

From what I read, after that I should take 9-16 days off training
But my problem is that I am currently ending a week off from training
So what should I do?
Go back to training on monday ,as I had planned,then find my 15sRM,10sRM and 5sRM and really take another week off before begining the cycle, to me it seems a lot of rest
or go back to training on monday, then train my whole body 3 times during the week, one day each for 15s,10s and 5s and find all 3 RM, then begin the normal cycle with 15s on next monday

help would be appreciated

if you have any suggestions,please feel free
in my opinion, i suggest you find your RMs on monday (bryan suggests a day for a RM e.g. find 15rm for Monday, 10RM tuestday...etc but if you're in a hurry to lift some weights, find them all in one day )

*you really need a long rest after doing intense workouts in order for the HST cycle to produce the gains it's designed to give you.
especially if you do extended 5s and negs in your cycle.. it's really required to rest for more than 9 days. then when you go back to HST and do your 15s week, everything will burn like hell.*

if you can't really wait anymore..
from what you're lifting... estimate what you can do for 15RM,10RM and 5RM? and start HST the NEXT monday (that would be 2 weeks off the gym).:laugh
wait for suggestions of others
Find your RMs right away, the take at least 9 days off, with no resistance training.

If you don't decondition the your muscles, then they can't recondition to the stimulus...you won't get the hypertrophy.

Note that deconditioning isn't atrophy.