When to work abs/cardio with HST + Intermittent Fasting??


New Member
Hey everyone!
I have successfully completed the 15 rep cycle and I am very pleased with the program so far! I do have a question though, I took up Intermittent fasting midway during the 15's, and I was wondering when is the best time to fit in ab work / cardio? I have 2 alternating exercies for abs (machine weighted crunches/leg raises) but I dont feel like it stimulates the abs enough. Even though I do compounds like squats that do hit the core, I am used to a 6 DAW split where I give my abs special training day. My question is, should I do a bodyweight circuit training style workout for abs on off days?

Could I do something like 10 minutes of jumprope followed by a circuit of Crunches, bicycles, leg raises? or something like that or should I just stick to keeping the 1/2 exercises laid out already in the routine?

Thanks !
Why aren't you doing abs as part of HST? You should be doing them as part of your HST workout, adding load each workout, etc.
Hey, thanks for taking time to answer. I do have them as part of my HST routine, I have weighted machine crunches and hanging leg raises.
Just do cardio on your off days. Preferrably in the morning. I prefer when cutting to do cardio 2 - 3 times a week and then cut your lifting back for your legs a bit to prevent overtraining your legs. If you go with cardio 3 times a week, I would cut leg work back to 1-2 times a week for lifting, just doing the upper body lifts.
Yeah thats what Ive been doing pretty much. Only thing with that is I would be doing cardio in a fasted state which im not to sure how well id react with it. I have another question, would it be alright to go for a light swim after working out and eating (breaking the fast) usually I consume up to 3 k calories in my POW meal. Would it hinder my gains at all? On workout days I eat a **** TON and consume 400-500 g carbs EASY. My estimated caloric intake is around 3500-3700 calories on these days. Thing is I feel like garbage if I dont do cardio.
Well are you trying to lose fat or gain mass? Even with IF, it's going to be hard to do both at the same time. If you are trying to gain, you want to minimize cardio. If you are trying to lose, then fasted cardio is fine and the swimming is fine as long as it isn't causing you to be overly fatigued.