Where to get unflavored dextrose?

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I'm trying to find an unflavored dextrose powder to add to HSN Driver, and all I can find is fruit flavored. I've checked several stores and online at enutrition. Where do you get your dextrose powder?

Thanks in advance, Elle
What do you think about the 15% creatine, 85% dextrose as opposed to the plain dextrose powder?

I personally like to have the freedom of adding dextrose in whichever dosage I want, as I use it both in carbups, post- and pre-workout drinks to varying degrees depending on dieting phase. I add creatine mostly to my pre-workout drinks. If the price is good, I guess it's ok though.
Slightly different. Not very sweet -- sometimes used to make carb-loading drinks that aren't overly sweet by balancing dextrose and maltodextrin.

Blade -- thanks for the link. Was looking for a dextrose source, myself. Nobody sells Smarties around here.

Footnote -- Protein Customizer also has info on maltodextrin and the differences. Handy site, and cheap, too!

According to them, corn surgar is also called glucose or dextrose! I know corn syrup contains fructose. . . anybody have more info on "corn sugar?"

I got this from various web sources:

corn sugar: Dextrose obtained from cornstarch.

corn syrup: Basically glucose with water. May have maltose. Dark corn syrup is just the regular syrup with some coloring.
Use wherever you would use straight glucose/dextrose.

glucose / dextrose / "blood sugar" / corn sugar
Glucose is a monosaccharide. This simple sugar is derivable from converted starches such as what happens when mashing malted grain. Sugar processors can make this sugar from a variety of sources - corn (maize), wheat, rice, potatoes, in short, anything with cheap starch can be a input into the process.

Dextrose = Grape sugar, Corn sugar, D-Glucose, D-(+)-Glucose, D(+)-Glucopyranose (if you buy from chemistry labs, only the D sugars).

Fructose (containing) = High fructose corn syrup (fructose/glucose mixture), corn syrup, corn syrup solids, corn sweetener, sucrose (½ fructose), fructose itself, fruit sweetener, etc... are all byproducts of corn production.